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Comment count is 9
Aelric - 2007-04-22

i love how the cop feigns interest, then takes off before the second shit storm hits.

Solro - 2007-04-22

that's a lot of runoff

Capn Profan!ty - 2007-04-22

dupe dupe dupe dupe

doc duodenum - 2007-04-22

Dude, why did you dupe yourself? You're not try to cheat someone else.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-04-23

Trying to dupe yourself for 5 stars as has been give before...shall...not...pass.

longwinded - 2007-04-23

yes fuck your dupe

Enki Don't - 2007-05-23

A prescient dupe. Youtube verion is gone. This remains.

Old_Zircon - 2008-07-02

This dupe is also much higher quality than the Youtube version.

metasonix - 2011-01-23

No wonder Portal Of Evil lost most of its regular readers---this guy had to post a different version because YT took the original down. And you give him shit for it.

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