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Comment count is 14
Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2016-09-22

A Keynesian after all.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-09-22

He's clearly an idiot, but I'd still like to have sex with him.

Accidie - 2016-09-22

The we're all fucked ticket is doing well this year, I wonder why?

Cena_mark - 2016-09-23

The libertarians are as kooky as always, they're just getting more attention than usual this election cycle. People's disgust with Hillary and Trump could get the Johnson a popular vote into the double digits.

Accidie - 2016-09-23

A giant meteor killing everybody is out-polling him.
The meteor actually has 27% support amongst independents.
I'm serious.

Cena_mark - 2016-09-24

I think a giant meteor would be far less destructive than Gary Johnson.

memedumpster - 2016-09-22

Okay, I just watched George Soros, I am ready and primed for some more seriously heavy philosophical thinking rooted in the humanities and honed by the sciences regarding the critical problems of our world. I know to be looking for a candidate that separates political moral representation of the people from the amoral capitalist open market capacity to supply us our demands. A separation of corp and state. Sock it to me, Libertarians!


"My entrance into politics was entrepreneurial... I did not conquer Mt. Everest, she lifted her skirt and I looked in and got a peek... I ended up debating my opponent 28 times which I thought it was really good politics and what the people want... I have now biked across the state of New Mexico... I created more jobs... government does not create jobs, private sector does... I vetoed 750 bills... it was just going to spend money... always arguing that the best thing the government could do for me as an individual is to empower me as an individual to make choices that only I have the ability to make... I think there's going to be a monetary collapse... the value of the money we have in our savings account is going to be worth nothing... when it comes to Medicaid and Medicare I suggested the Federal government could block grant to states a fixed amount of money, 43% less than before... "

Well, goddammit.

memedumpster - 2016-09-23

Wait, immigration! A social issue!

"... I think that it starts with our Mexicans coming across the border and taking entry level jobs from Americans? Absolutely not, because we as Americans can sit at home and collect a welfare check for the same amount of money, so we need to reform welfare..."


kingarthur - 2016-09-23

LOLbertarians bring the lulz.

Nominal - 2016-09-23

We're all going to die eventually, why bother with hospitals?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-09-23

Damn it, you sort of beat me to that one, Nominal.

Stopheles - 2016-09-24

We're all going to die eventually, why worry about ISIS?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-09-23

"In a hundred years, we're all going to be dead anyway. That's why I'm announcing my plan to decriminalize murder."

Monkey Napoleon - 2016-09-23

I'd rather have Trump. People who can look at you with a straight face and act like it's no big deal being unconcerned for a time after they might not exist freak me the fuck out.

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