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Comment count is 4
15th - 2017-03-21

And in years past, Nugent has told President Obama (who he has dubbed a “piece of shit” and a “subhuman mongrel”) to “suck my tiger dick,” and to also “suck on my machine gun.”


“Hey Hillary [Clinton], you might want to ride one of these [guns] into the sunset, you worthless bitch."

Old_Zircon - 2017-03-21


Lord_Crocodilicus - 2017-03-21

I know I'm splitting hairs, but this quote from The Daily Beast is misleading.

The machine gun comment came in 2007 before he was President Obama.
Also, the direct quote is "the status quo can suck my tiger dick, along with everybody in the white house". He didn't single out Obama.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/20/ted-nugent-wh o-wants-obama-hillary-killed-stars-in-new-trump-ad.html

You'll find your comment is about midway down the article.

Here's the mother jones article, which is actually somewhat favorable to Nugent. http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2011/07/ted-nugent-tiger-di ck-san-francisco

Maggot Brain - 2017-03-21

Speaking of double standards, wow!

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