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Comment count is 6
dairyqueenlatifah - 2018-06-27

The site referenced in this video containing the whole story that's covered in this video was submitted to Poered back in the day and if I recall correctly is how I originally ended up on Portal of Evil (it was either that, or some insane shit some furries did). The discussion threads and the pictures of "Jenova" that SF69 dug up were a good time.

Old_Zircon - 2018-06-28

It's funny I missed almost all of this one, I guess I was paying too much attention to stuff like Wintermist and Faithmouse at the time.

Also in 2001-2003 I didn't have internet access at home so I was actually out doing things for a change.

Nominal - 2018-06-28

I never got the massive obsession with 7's story. It was a mindblowing technical leap at the time, but the story dived into a directionless mess at the end of act 1.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-06-28

This is hilarious

TeenerTot - 2018-06-28

"...you even live in a basement, and he was locked in one."

Oh, no. I'm not watching 40 minutes of this.

Old_Zircon - 2018-06-28

It's worth it.

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