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Comment count is 6
Scrimmjob - 2018-12-15

Cool animation and music, you could tell me this was made 30 years ago or yesterday and I'd believe you.

Wait, actually no, the rascist ass depiction of asians gives it away as being old.

betamaxed - 2018-12-15

Oz worked hard for these stars. Please have them.

boner - 2018-12-15


kingofthenothing - 2018-12-15

not Adult Swim?

kingofthenothing - 2018-12-15

I took the longest comment I could find and threw it into Google Translate and I still have no idea what's happening:

"Water runs Em Em water From a cloud on a pigtail, C D Em Splashing in the tummy tea. In the heat and weather, At any time of the year We go to harvest. Each Panama, the icon of the leader on the strap Us shines if it becomes dark. We have been walking towards the great goal for a long time, But, apparently, we did not have time, Therefore, we did not eat for a long time ... Em Am C D Em Oh, pink land, rice paradise. Ah, bamboo and papay, rice paradise. Oh, shirt, shirt, watch, What are good. We set up tents In the rice fields. And what if there is a good friend, Who is from the rain and the wind At a depth of two meters A hundred years ago, sank a bag. Probably only the flies Do not swell with hunger, But we are still far away from them. But we will keep the holy covenant of the big brother, Here are just one out of five Already deep ... Oh, pink land, rice paradise. Ah, bamboo and papay, rice paradise. Oh, shirt, shirt, watch, What are good. Ah, pink land, rice paradise. Ah, bamboo and papay, rice paradise. Ah, pink land, rice paradise. Oh, shirt, shirt, watch, What are good."

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-15

David Byrne is kind of phoning it in these days.

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