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Comment count is 9
themilkshark - 2019-11-05

She has one speed, full

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-11-05

I want to join her cult.

Maggot Brain - 2019-11-05

How was Toni Basil not the biggest thing in the 80's?

garcet71283 - 2019-11-05

Wasn't she just a choreographer/dancing coach that MTV hired to fill out their initial video pool?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-11-06

Toni Basil's resume is wide and varied, and goes way back. She did choreography for Burt I. Gordon's VALLEY OF THE GIANTS in 1965, a Mystery Science Theater classic with Tommy Kirk, Beau Bridges and a prepubescent Ron Howard.

IMDB lists her as an actor in FIVE EASY PIECES and EASY RIDER.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-11-06

I find myself wondering how cute, nuturing Vampire MILFs didn't become a major trope. I'm a huge admirer of Bela Lugosi's performance in the 1931 Dracula, and I've been rediscovering Dark Shadows (NOT the Time Burton version!), but Vampires themselves have never held that mythic fascination for me that they seem to hold for many, but THIS was like discovering a new fetish, something that not only doesn't happen very often in my late middle age... but doesn't really happen very often with me, at any time in life.

Part of it, undoubtably is the teeth. I know that I'm not the only man who reponds to a woman with an overbite. I've heard a couple of references in pop culture. It's just something that plucks the heartstrings. I don't know how common it is. Think I'll try the internet.

Accidie - 2019-11-05

i think she was 47 during this performance, so, possibly an actual vampire.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-11-06

My second favorite thing about this clip is that her big bald burly boyfriend sort of looks like me.

Hammer Falls - 2019-11-06

This movie is so odd that I believe it exists by pure defiance of reason.

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