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Comment count is 2
Anaxagoras - 2019-11-17

"This is called Resonance." That only raises more questions!

Seriously though, it's called resonance in wave situations that make sense. You know... where there are actual waves of some sort. Sound waves, electromagnetic waves... you know... waves. A planet's orbit isn't a wave, even if it happens to be following a wave-like path.

Is the wobbly moon always kinda gyrating around the "normal"moon, or does it follow that path semi-independently of the normal moon?

God damn physics becomes weird on very large & very small scales.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-11-18

I believe it is not that complicated. At least my understanding from reading the article is that the times each moon takes to orbit are such that the same pattern keeps repeating..

So like in the video, from Thalassas' point of view the time it takes Naiad to go up and down divides evenly into the time it takes naiad to overtake Thalassa.. So when they overlay many orbits in the video you just get a nice pair of waves and not a solid bar.

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