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Comment count is 13
Crackersmack - 2020-08-11

I remember when Trump telling people to drink bleach or whatever was gonna end his chances. Before that it was something about Russia for like three years. Before that it was the 'grab'em by the pussy' tape.

Biden's lead has closed back to where he was at in January. And now he just nominated a dirty, corrupt cop/prosecutor that came in 4th in her home state in the primary... after 60+ days of cops rioting on TV, brutally assaulting peaceful protesters. Good times.

Hazelnut - 2020-08-11

A stopped clock is right twice a day: it is very important not to take a Biden win for granted. Each and every one of us needs to VOTE.

Mister Yuck - 2020-08-11

Vote early, vote often. And show up for the 2022 primaries.

Crackersmack - 2020-08-12

Good luck with that!

SolRo - 2020-08-12

Turfer go home

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-08-11

The Truth is that, compared to other presidents, Trump's approval ratings don't change much, and they've always been bad. Newsites get clickbait by reporting breathlessly on every little blip and bump, but most everyone has made up their mind about this guy. He's losing, he's always been losing, and all unless he can cheat, he's going to lose.

But, of course, he's going to cheat.

Crackersmack - 2020-08-12

...and what you have to face is when Trump does cheat, who is going to take to the streets on behalf of "better things aren't possible?"?

This is the bed that Democrats have made.

SolRo - 2020-08-12

So we shouldn’t vote Biden because if trump will cheat at then people won’t protest about that? I’m not sure you could be any dumber.

Crackersmack - 2020-08-13

Nah you should do whatever makes you feel good, but nobody is going to fight for your shitty candidates, and that might be a problem.

Gmork - 2020-08-13

So let trump, an objectively worsepresident than biden is possible of being, win? Because biden isn't attractive as a candidate?

I'll trade fascist for unattractive any day. Most specially on a particular day this November.

Have fun vaping on your couch or whatever to own the libs.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-08-15

Jesus Christ, you are tiresome. People are taking to the street right now, you fucking idiot!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-08-16

Also, Biden is polling better than Clinton was in 16

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-08-11

When I first saw this, I resented that my "Curb Your Trump" submission has been dying a slow death in the hopper with just two votes, but this is pure gold.

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