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Comment count is 8
betamaxed - 2020-11-15

needs a "oh shit" tag

Binro the Heretic - 2020-11-15

Whale was all, like, "Mmm... fish. Yum-UCK! GAG! FUCK! What the Hell? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL! PFAUGH! BLEAH!"

Hazelnut - 2020-11-15

Man, now I miss Baleen

simon666 - 2020-11-15

From the preload image, it looks like the two people are literally in the whales mouth. It makes me wonder if one were swallowed, whether or not enough thrashing might get the whale you spat one out. Yikes.

Hazelnut - 2020-11-15

I don't think a humpback or any other kind of baleen whale would be physically capable of swallowing a person. They're filter feeders. What we're seeing there is "lunge fishing" where they take a big gulp of water in their mouth but then squeeze it out through their filter-like teeth to strain it. They only swallow the plankton mush that remains.

More fun detail here: https://www.livescience.com/64969-whale-almost-swallows-man.html

simon666 - 2020-11-15

Great link!

jangbones - 2020-11-15

hard to find a better situation more demanding of the phrase "oh shit"

Mister Yuck - 2020-11-17

The ocean: stay out of it.

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