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Comment count is 6
Marlon Brawndo - 2021-01-22

How dare he? Doesn't he know BLM speaks for ALL blacks?

Except for the ones that disagree with random violence, Marxism, communism, socialism. Critical Race Theory, cancel culture, destroying small businesses for sheer fun, threatening people while they're eating dinner...

Fuck that guy!

Hazelnut - 2021-01-23

MB, don't pull that snide sarcastic strawman shit -- it just makes you sound like SolRo.

SolRo - 2021-01-22

White knighting for your Uncle Tom so hard.

casualcollapse - 2021-01-23

Doesnt He actually look mentally retarded though, I just don't know if it's the audio sync or what.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-01-23

Fuck your description and tags.

casualcollapse - 2024-01-22

Fuck yo too bud

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