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Comment count is 4
casualcollapse - 2021-04-28

Glad this made it to the front page, I had forgotten about it in the hopper

casualcollapse - 2021-04-28

Chinese government is pretty fucked eh

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-29

I was about to begin my Senior year at Binghamton. I had been studying Antigone. I felt extraordinarily moved. I attended a memorial on Campus, and a protest demonstration on the court house lawn. I felt like I was a part of it, which is not quite as naive as it sounds. It was a global moment, and I was surrounded by Chinese students, who most definitely had skin in the game.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-29

I never felt like I was a part of it. I felt connected to it.

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