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Comment count is 6
Cena_mark - 2021-11-17

Pretty cool that space wars have built in Mutually Assured Destruction.

exy - 2021-11-18

thats nothin.

we use ta bullseye womprats in beggars canyon back home in that guy's 1-star zone, and they're not much more than an internationally recognized distance unit across

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-11-18

Star Wars: Yeah the film's hero used to kill animals for fun by firing missiles at them from some sort of combat aircraft. That's fine.

scrungus - 2021-11-18

womp rats are canonically sentient, peaceful beings

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-11-18

Anakin also indiscriminately slaughtered. It's like poetry, it rhymes!

Gmork - 2021-11-18

We should never leave this planet. We shouldn't spread. Contain the suffering.

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