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Comment count is 6
rural - 2022-01-02

The show was cancelled a month later because of 8:20-10:59.

rural - 2022-01-02

And five stars. Wonderful find.

duck&cover - 2022-01-03

Just because there was a Black cast member, Arthur Duncan. Unbelievable.

exy - 2022-01-05

white & white television

duck&cover - 2022-01-03

The Betty White Show, brought to you by amphetamines. Helps you lose ugly fat, puts pep into your step!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-03

I just learned today that she was the first woman to produce a national TV program. She could have retired in 1960, and she'd still be a fixture in the history of television.

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