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Comment count is 17
Binro the Heretic - 2022-01-16

Everyone know Reagan was shit, but we seem to have forgotten Clinton was so much worse in a lot of ways.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-16

Yeah, that seems defensible, I guess.

ashtar. - 2022-01-17

Eisenhower was republicans conforming themselves to the New Deal political paradigm. They moved from opposing things like Keynesianism, conciliation with unions, etc. to promising to do a better job managing them.

Clinton was democrats conforming themselves to the Reagan political paradigm. NAFTA, Welfare Reform, Wall Street deregulation, telecom deregulation, the Crime Bill, the 1996 immigration bill, etc. Democrats fundamentally accepted Reagan's program and have been trying to sell themselves as smarter and kinder managers of it ever since.

ashtar. - 2022-01-17

Like, we can laugh/get mad about the welfare queen thing, but democrats have absolutely swallowed the need to means test every program and will fight tooth and nail against universal benefits, because they've fundamentally accepted that Reagan was right about this.

Crackersmack - 2022-01-17

the biggest cut to welfare benefits in my lifetime was signed into law by Bill Clinton, who is still proud of it to this day

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-17

>>>>Like, we can laugh/get mad about the welfare queen thing, but democrats have absolutely swallowed the need to means test every program and will fight tooth and nail against universal benefits, because they've fundamentally accepted that Reagan was right about this.

Okay, this is just nonsense. Clinton fought for Universal Healthcare.

The cuts to welfare led to a massive expansion of Social Security benefits. Having been on Social Security Disability since 2003, I can attest that one is subject to not nearly as much scrutiny.

But what's wrong with MEANS testing? Doesn't that just mean that we only give benefits to people who need it? Should Donald Trump Junior get to claim Food Stamp benefits?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-17

Reagan didn't invent the Welfare Queen. The origin was with Chicago local newspapers, and I can't be certain they were all Republicans.

So, does everyone see what just happened here? Binro makes a criticism of Clinton that seems nonspecific but valid. He kind of sucked in a lot of ways. I acknowledged that, and then, ashtar and Crackersmack arrive, for the usual rage addicted song and dance, finally to the point where intellectual integrity requires some pushback. What happens next is I can't abide any criticism of Democrats, and Clinton is my god.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-17

Also, can we acknowledge that all of these guys are essentially responding to what they interpret as a dig at Republicans. I can't read their minds, but they seem to be defending Republicans, and their defense is whataboutism. Just like Sean Hannity.

SolRo - 2022-01-17

Clinton is worse than Reagan and Biden is worse than trump.

Getting a bad handjob is worse than getting raped by a horse.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-17

I didn't post this to embarrass Republicans, and thereby to win the PoeTV Culture Wars. Someone referenced the Welfare Queen trope, and I have been reading a book about Linda Taylor, and I wanted to mention it for anyone who might be interested, without all that typing.

ashtar. - 2022-01-18

Hey Solro! How's it going champ? The big people want to talk about boring old news stuff. Why don't you go find some of your little friends and you can tell them about your pokemans?

SolRo - 2022-01-18

Just getting that in there before you idiots start going on about how Mitch McConnell is farther left than Obama.

ashtar. - 2022-01-19

"I imagined you saying something other than what you said and it made me mad." - Poelibsquad, every single day.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-19

"All of a sudden, I have become super literal-minded, possibly to the point of being on the autism spectrum."

You Know Who.

Nominal - 2022-01-20

ACTUALLY Obama is center right corporatist post-Clinton neoliberalberalibluhbluhbluh *fart*

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-16

But I've been reading the book, and it's not really about how any particular president is shit, it's about how systemic racism shapes the narrative. Linda Taylor probably murdered a woman of color and nobody really cared. It was all about the welfare queen. The author found the woman's husband, who told him it was the first time anybody had talked to him about it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-01-21

The thing is that no one who ever attains the office wants to be remembered by history as the president who gave the empire away.

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