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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-02-12

While googling this, I learned that Baron Munchausen was a real 18th century person who basically made himself into an essential dinner party guest by telling outrageous stories. He wasn't really a liar, like George Santos. It was all understood to be an act, bhut a great act, like Screaming Lord Sutch.

On the internet Archive, I also discovered the 1962 Checkoslovac film "The Fabulous Baron Munchausen" , which I had very nearly forgotten about. WOR from New York promoted it heavily and then ran it all week like WOR was famous for. And then it was just disappeared for 55 years.

Well, not really, I guess. There's a video on youtube of Terry Gilliam speaking about THE FABULOUS BARON MUNCHAUSEN, maybe at a screening of the 2016 restoration. You see the style of animation in this, you KNOW that this is a favorite movie of Terry Gilliam!


>>>The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (Czech: Baron Prášil) is a 1962 Czechoslovak romantic adventure film directed by Karel Zeman, based on the tales about Baron Munchausen. The film combines live-action with various forms of animation and is highly stylized, often evoking the engravings of Gustave Doré.

I think I'm going to want to add TFBM to my next Streamdumper program, so I'm not going to post it here just yet. Here's a link


BiggerJ - 2023-02-13

A closer analog to the fictional Munchausen would be the Something Awful Forums poster Martin Random, the pathological liar who claimed to be a secret service member during the Bush administration, and was the guy behind the fecal lasagna/shit saxophone story.

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