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Comment count is 32
The Mothership - 2023-04-13

Don't watch this.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-13

I know. It's disgusting and infuriating, but I'm trying to get the word out.

They did this because it's easier than killing invasive snakes in the wild and allows them to say, "Our department killed (X) number of snakes this quarter, justifying our paychecks and funding."

Public backlash is the only thing that will stop things like this happening in the future.

yogarfield - 2023-04-14

This somehow is one of the most infuriating things I've seen on this site in quite some time.

SolRo - 2023-04-14

I honestly don’t care.

They are a destructive invasive species even if they’re “legal” because of loopholes.

Especially in Florida where hurricanes frequently destroy the buildings these things are kept in

Be pissy at these snake fetishists for importing and hoarding these animals

ashtar. - 2023-04-15

Pigs are way more intelligent than snakes, and millions are kept in inhumane conditions and killed much less humanely than these snakes.

I'm not a vegan basically because I'm lazy, but they do have a point about how selective our sympathy for animals can be.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-15

Pigs are the ultimate invasive species. Colonizers brought them everywhere and intentionally turned them loose so they would have cheap available food. The pigs drove countless native species to extinction.

We still have a major problem with feral pigs here in Florida. If these assholes care so much about the environment, why aren't they out hunting down feral pigs?

Crackersmack - 2023-04-17

FWC has made it about as easy as possible to hunt pigs in Florida. It is legal to take them at any time of year, with any method you want, without a license. And there is no bag limit.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-18

Why aren't the assholes whose job it is to eliminate invasive species going out and hunting them?

Oh, that's right, because it would require actual work and they just want easy money.

Also, fuck off, you noxious little trans-hating turd.

SolRo - 2023-04-18

Just FYI a big part of Florida is a vast swamp.

Exterminating the wild hog population is possible but would be very costly, would have to be done in one continuous effort and require constant monitoring because states near Florida have the same infestation. And I’m sure Floridas politicians are just desperate to spend money on environmentalism.

They’re going after easy targets because it’s easy and cheap. These departments would probably love to have the budget to constantly send out agents to hunt all the invasive species down

Crackersmack - 2023-04-14

1. There is no such thing as a "pet snake"; you have a captive wild animal. A snake is not your friend. It does not want to live with you. The snake gets nothing out of it's relationship with you.

2. These things are an invasive species in Florida. Pythons are breeding out of control in the everglades. There are invasive boas down near Miami. This is entirely because of assholes like this guy that import them and breed them in captivity to be "pets."

3. I've interacted with FWC on numerous occasions and found them to be by far the most chill and professional of the boat cops. These are people that genuinely care about the Florida environment. That's why they are doing this.

yogarfield - 2023-04-14

Invasive species are a dime a dozen down there. Killing a few snakes isn't going to make life any better for anybody.

Also ew, you're from Florida? It explains so much, but also you have my sincerest apologies.

Crackersmack - 2023-04-14

Did you hear the guy crying in the video about how the pregnant boa was "worth $100k"? That's because he (or whoever actually owned it) was gonna sell the babies to white trash idiots, who would lose/intentionally release them into the environment to wreak havoc.

A quick shot to the head is a more humane way for these things to go out than to be trapped in some shitty aquarium in a trailer until they die of an infection or escape.

SolRo - 2023-04-14

‘There are already invasive species in Florida so we don’t need to stop any more from being released’

- An idiot

Cena_mark - 2023-04-14

Gotta go with Crackersmack. Invasive species are wreaking havoc on native species. The state hires people to hunt invasive species in the wild. This is the preventive approach. It sucks for the snakes, but I don't see a y other options. I doubt Fla Fish and Wildlife has the resources to send them back to their native habitat

jfcaron_ca - 2023-04-14

Reminds me of this and urban/university bunnies in Canada:
https://www.canadaland.com/down-the-rabbit-hole-the-story-of-t he-uvic-bunnies/

yogarfield - 2023-04-14

Somebody doesn't get my point that this is overreach on grandfathered in snakes. This dude worked hard to breed that boa clutch, and agreed to let the burmese be put down.

Also, what do you think that a person with 100k in baby snakes does? Walks around Florida with fistfuls of them screaming "SNAKES FOR SALE"?

They're shipped out to enthusiasts. If they were just ending up in the hands of people stupid enough to remain in Florida, then I'd agree kill them all because they're better off dead.

Cena_mark - 2023-04-14

The snake breeder is no better than a puppy mill owner.

ashtar. - 2023-04-15

Yeah, I do not care about the woes of exotic invasive pet breeders. People's desire for these as luxury goods does not factor against the risk to the environment. And, if you're treating animals as commodities (and you are feeding them with other animals and also eating pigs and cows yourself), you don't get to play the "oh the poor widdle animals" card when they're destroyed.

yogarfield - 2023-04-15

Disagree with the puppy mill comparison. I adopt, and would never buy a dog, because plenty of dogs need a home. Exotic pets are a completely different game.

And sheesh, every pet is treated as a commodity. People have tiktoks, YT channels, FB and IGs completely dedicated to their dogs and cats for online cred.

As for the diet: I'm a responsible omnivore with a meat cheat or two a week, but um... how do you think the 50 million dog-owning households in the US feed their dogs?

How about the 30 million cat-owning households? Strict vegetarian diets and not factory slaughtered remnants? Back in the day they would literally be eating the ground hooves of the high horse you rode in on.

Also on cats? They are a non-native species that kills native and migratory birds to an estimated tune of 2,500,000,000 a year.

With your logic, I guess we should start pointing these bumbling fucks towards cats, just to keep the birds singing.

yogarfield - 2023-04-16

Hey, what is that I hear? Crickets.

Ironic, because they're my dog's favorite treat.

Crackersmack - 2023-04-16

Lets just pretend that we don't know that there's a difference between domesticated animals and wild animals that you torture just so you can put them around your neck and hang out on the sidewalk down by the beach and creep out women

ashtar. - 2023-04-17

Yes... the point I was trying to make is that it's selective outrage to care a ton about a handful of humanely destroyed snakes but not all the pigs, cows, chickens, etc. I'm not sure how "but cats kill a ton of birds" is a counter point to that, it's just a further example of the same thing.

SolRo - 2023-04-17

You know how government organizations function?

Hint; on tax dollars

You know what’s a great way to get yourself replaced at an animal control group?

Hint; killing feral dogs and cats

Oh did you also know that there are increasingly more groups sterilizing wild dogs and cats so that the population goes down?

Do you know anything about the subject actually?

SolRo - 2023-04-20

Oh look at that.

https://www.npr.org/2023/04/20/1170899476/kids-feral-cat-hunti ng-contest-canceled-new-zealand

Thanks for backing me up, The Actual Real World

yogarfield - 2023-04-26

I'm not really sure how you think that proves a point? That's a cancelled NZ program for killing feral cats, akin to the nutria program in our bayous. My stats were US bruv, you might be in over your head.

Gmork - 2023-04-16

It takes a staggering amount of hypocrisy to be a human being and complain about any invasive species ever.

Yes let's all pretend there's a balance and pretend anyone has ever cared about it.

Crackersmack - 2023-04-16

Gmork come down to Florida and eat all the invasive species for us please

ashtar. - 2023-04-17

You could make the same argument about climate change?

Just a dumb thing to say man.

Gmork - 2023-04-17

Ashtar are you having a stroke? That was dumber than usual.

I'd make a different comparison with Climate change because it's different. How silly that you need to make a strawman.

It's also something people pretend to give a shit about while doing everything contrary to it, so even when you try to strawman you manage to fuck that up

I see the Floridian libertarian retard is back, on the same blocked account. Probably making the same smoothbrain insults he made in high school.

ashtar. - 2023-04-18

Humans cause both.
Still, we don't like them; mostly because they're bad for us.

No stroke, just drinking after a 14 hour shift.

Gmork - 2023-04-18

And I mustve been in a pissy mood. I actually don't feel animosity towards you, or even cracker. I was just clapping back out of habit. I do judge cracker in a way I don't judge you since you've at least been intellectually consistent.

Look, I definitely don't think "x problem exists so who cares about Y problem" is a valid argument. Sorry if it seemed like that's what I was saying.

I didn't have an argument. I was just shitting on the big picture view of humanity being absolutely destructive to every natural system it encounters and snakes being a drop in the bucket in comparison.

But if you ask me whether I care about the smaller problems, I do. I'm just getting really fucking nihilistic about certain things.

ashtar. - 2023-04-19

I did say your idea was dumb first, so no worries about the clap back.

Yeah, I mean, we're not going to do anything about any of it. The last final time to do anything about climate change was a few years ago, and we're not even slowing down emissions. Same as, you know, every other problem. It's not irrational to be nihilistic.

I don't know. I'm a good shot with a pistol. I spend my vacations backpacking in wilderness areas and can go out for weeks at a time. My wife is a very competent small scale farmer. I don't know if any of that will ever come in handy, but I guess it's soothing to focus on things that are in my control.

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