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Comment count is 12
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-04-15

What radio noise?
On an unrelated note, I do think its cool the FBI used my favourite Autechre song as the background music for this vid

decoy - 2023-04-16

It's weirdly appropriate. A provocative pairing of sight and sound to announce the grim arrival of our young Airman's lost future self. What a moron.

Cena_mark - 2023-04-15

They teach anyone with a clearance the consequences of leaking, which are severe. It's tragic. This boy threw his life away for internet clout.

SolRo - 2023-04-15

I think we all know that winning an argument with some anonymous asshole is the only thing that matters

SolRo - 2023-04-15

https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/12m1ss5/ru_p ov_entirety_or_majority_of_the_leaks_can_be/

If you’re curious about what classified intelligence looks like

decoy - 2023-04-16

So wish I had daily briefs like that on the bullshit of my life. "-Signals intelligence reports Michael went behind your back today and told Jeff you're not cutting it on the P&G account. Analysis: He's likely to make a move for your job sometime mid-Q2. -Human intelligence reports your wife Susan was twice observed shoplifting expensive lingerie from La Perla women's apparel. Analysis: She's likely to make a move on her trainer, Manrique Torres [FORNAT/CR], sometime end of Q1."

Crackersmack - 2023-04-16

This is totally a real thing that happened and not just cover to pass Patriot Act 2.0 on steroids.

decoy - 2023-04-16

If only. Fact is, this dipshit genuinely had access to all of this crap; which, incidentally - having read it - isn't so "Top Secret" as much as "Shit Everyone Knows But We Don't Publicly Acknowledge." The thorny issue here is: Why are our security and clearance systems so fucked up? They become more vulnerable with each passing day and no one seems capable of responding adequately.

SolRo - 2023-04-16

This is more like Mid Secret.

It’s the intelligence gathered by a lot of top secret operations and technologies and processed for distribution.

There are hints of what those are but nothing specific

It also possibly shows some unfavorable realities of the conflict that the psyops/propaganda teams have been working hard to keep out of the media. And this is probably what pisses off the bigwigs the most.

ashtar. - 2023-04-18

It's indicative of... something... that all the major news outlets are focusing stories on outrage at the leaker rather than exploring what was leaked.

decoy - 2023-04-20

I read everything SolRo linked, which includes nothing that isn't commonly assumed. Keep in mind, this is "Top Secret" level intel and not the super delicate compartmentalized stuff. One and a half million, or one in two hundred Americans, already had access to this stuff.

Nominal - 2023-04-18

Do we have a "dingus" tag going yet?

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