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Comment count is 11
cognitivedissonance - 2023-05-07


ashtar. - 2023-05-08

There's a bunch of conspiracy stuff around Epstein. Most of it is probably bullshit. Which just serves to obscure the real crimes that we know about, and the fact that nothing seems to be being done about investigating them. I forget where I head the joke: "Ghislaine Maxwell, the first person to be convicted of sexually trafficking children... to no one."

cognitivedissonance - 2023-05-08

At this stage it doesn't matter what he may or may not have done, it's a shibboleth. It's how to say the thing without saying the thing.

ashtar. - 2023-05-08

I mean, he's a real concrete guy. There are witnesses and documents. It's a high profile case. The fact that some sort of special investigator or congressional committee hasn't been called to find out what can be found out communicates very clearly the fact that once you are rich and powerful enough you will never have to suffer any consequences for your actions.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-05-09

The thing being a rich sex pest used his power to get what he wanted. Any response to that other than outright condemnation is sus.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-05-09

Invoking his name when you really mean to say “Look at these Jeeeeeeeeeews” is sus. You’re adding cowardice on top of racism.

ashtar. - 2023-05-10

If anything, the fact that it's the jewish guy doing all the hard work of setting up the teen orgy island, and then he and his half jewish girlfriend are the ones to take the fall while WASP presidents and princes get off scott free just goes to show that the Illuminati still has a glass ceiling. Sad.

Crackersmack - 2023-05-12

Ari Shaffir said that Epstein was proof that Jewish people will rise to the top of any industry they participate in

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-05-12

Being against underage prostitution isn't anti-semitic Cog.

decoy - 2023-05-08

Epstein was a math teacher at my school, Dalton, in NYC (and incidentally, the school's headmaster at that time was Donald Barr - Bill Barr's dad - whom I knew vaguely.) I was too young to be in Epstein's class, but he remained well-known at Dalton after he'd left and throughout my tenure because he was, by that time, managing billions in assets for some of the super rich "Dalton parents" (even though he famously said that all the kids at Dalton were spoiled brats - somewhat true.) I'd walk by his townhouse on 71st St. almost daily - one of the most lux private residences in the Manhattan, which he'd purchased from Leslie Wexner for close to $100 mil, and a surreal sum back in the 80's. The incestuousness of that world, as one might imagine, runs deep.

Gmork - 2023-05-09

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