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Comment count is 16
Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-03

Step one is Work requirements for social assistance. (Already done with the Debt Ceiling Bill)

Step two is compulsory employment. If any employer in town has a job, you MUST take that job if you want any social assistance.

Step three is compulsory juvenile employment. If you have a kid, you have to get them a job if you want to receive social assistance.

SolRo - 2023-06-04

“Well if millennials didn’t ruin the workforce with their horrible low birth rates, due to us vampires sucking the economy dry, then we will just have to make their kids work even longer to make up the difference!!”

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-04

"Since US residents don't want to work for poverty wages and in dangerous conditions and since both parties are really cracking down on immigration thanks to years of anti-immigrant rhetoric & sentiment which we ironically fueled, we need these immigrants to drag their kids in to work."

cognitivedissonance - 2023-06-04

The fantasy is that if they can just figure out exactly the correct combination of laws to repeal, everybody will spontaneously be thankful to work for free.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-04

No they're just looking to re-implement Jim Crow laws but including most White people this time around.

During Jim Crow, it was illegal for a Black person to be "unemployed" If a Black person owned a farm and worked their farm all day, they were still considered "unemployed" because they weren't also working full time for a wealthy White person. And since the 13th Amendment said it was okay to enslave "lawbreakers," it was perfectly okay to re-enslave an "unemployed" Black person and make them work for free. Black prisoners' labor was contracted out to privately-owned businesses and all the proceeds went to the state.

The move to criminalize homelessness has been underway for quite some time. Soon, authorities will be arresting anyone living on the streets.

Employers know a good deal when they see one. They'll start pressuring workers to accept lower wages and fewer benefits. Those who resist will be fired and replaced with prison labor. Eventually, employers will hire prison labor exclusively because it's better for the bottom line.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-06-05

I think we’re witnessing an ideology on autopilot, a sort of vicious algorithm put in place by Reagan’s cabal, where the assumption was what “business” wanted. I don’t think the majority of “business” wants any of this, and despite the vocal bad actors, your average taco truck owner probably doesn’t have a grand scheme in mind to hire prison labor, and if there is such a plan, it’s behind so many masks hidden deep in think tanks. Also, it doesn’t take into account the vocal rift between corporations and churches, churches having no real advantage to going directly into universal prison ministry. It’s all a vague and poorly defined bunch of theoreticals and vocalized fantasies without actual thought to application.

We’re strapped in to a meat grinder, and the dead currently push the levers.

Crackersmack - 2023-06-05

who should I vote for if I don't like union busting

Mister Yuck - 2023-06-05

If you actually gave a fuck, you’d participate in democratic primaries and look up who the local unions and lefties are supporting. But you’re just “both sides” trolling.

Spike Jonez - 2023-06-06

You don't care about anyone but yourself anyway

Crackersmack - 2023-06-06

what kind of Democratic Party primaries do you think we have in Florida? you think there are pro-union options? the state Dem party ran the former Republican governor as their candidate against Desantis.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-06-06

Oh no, guy in Florida begs for outside assistance.

teethsalad - 2023-06-06

i dunno dude if your republican governor is crowing about how he's going to "destroy leftism" nationwide maybe it's time to let facts finally influence your narrative

Crackersmack - 2023-06-06

yeah to defeat Desantis I should have voted for the Democratic candidate; the former Republican governor that put the most anti-abortion justices on the Florida supreme court and that brought back prison chain gangs. silly me for not leaving it all on the field for that guy

Crackersmack - 2023-06-06

also there is no leftism to destroy, the Democrats suffocated it in 2016

SolRo - 2023-06-06

I mean, if you’re an American leftist your remaining options are pretty much ‘vote dem and hope for the best’ or ‘get on the streets with Molotovs and concealed carry and hope for the best’.

If you’re doing something like voting third party and feeling like you’re accomplishing something then your plan to masturbate until you have a happy family is just as effective.

Crackersmack - 2023-06-07

it isn't accomplishing something to support a political party that is much more aligned with my principles? imho it's better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and 'win'

and the Ukraine debacle completely throws the 'lesser evil' argument out the window. your lesser evil has us on the brink of WW3, for nothing

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