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Comment count is 6
Nominal - 2023-06-24

Remember that scene in The Descent, where the characters crawl through a narrow gap inside an unexplored cave and no one outside knows they're there? An you were screaming at them for being stupid and not turning back?

These explorers are even stupider.

11:22 for the murderous rage you wish to heap upon the trust fund daredevil who tore down the barrier and left that note.

SolRo - 2023-06-25

Cave divers are more upper/middle class idiots, as the equipment isn’t insanely expensive

Jimmy Labatt - 2023-06-25

I have been into SCUBA my entire life and seen some awesome things both shallow and deep, but would still never touch cave diving for anything. Fuck that shit.

Cena_mark - 2023-06-25

I've been in an underwater cavern, but I would never do a cave.

Jimmy Labatt - 2023-06-25

Oh yeah caverns are cool; I've been in a few awesome ones. This is specifically referring to specialized cave diving with a line, etc. where the norm is to not be able to see in front or behind you by a metre or less, where a slight change in your buoyancy control means a mask full of silt. No thanks, Satan!

TeenerTot - 2023-06-26

Why don't they just go skydiving? You still get the endorphins, and if it goes wrong the rest of us aren't footing a bill for rescues.

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