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Comment count is 22
Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-10

It's like being caught in a hailstorm on an open plain.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no way to make it stop.

SolRo - 2023-12-10

“The babies had 70 years to fix this so I don’t care”

-cog probably if he hadn’t run away like a total bitch

Adham Nu'man - 2023-12-10

So, one wrong doesn't validate another. However, around 50 thousand civilians died in Afghanistan due to a conflict the US engaged in due to very dubious reasons. I don't recall you fuckers posting shit about that every other day. I don't recall mass protests on university campuses either.

On October 7th, 1.200 civilians were killed in 1 day. Considering Israel's population, that's like the death of 40 thousand US civilians in a single day. If 40 thousand US citizens from a city you know died in a single day as a result of an attack you'd be calling for blood.

But hey yeah sure you guys are just anti-zionists not antisemites. Keep telling yourselves that.

prang - 2023-12-10

Not recalling mass protests against Bush-era warmongering is a you problem.

SolRo - 2023-12-10

And Israel has murdered the Gaza population equivalent of 2,979,000 Americans

Until today. It will murder more tomorrow and the day after and next week and next month

Until they finish their ethnic cleansing campaign

And every day Israel is increasingly justifying what Hamas did

Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-10

We're not blaming Jews. Jews didn't do this.

The Israeli government did this.

They're the Israeli mirror version of Hamas.

SolRo - 2023-12-10

Everyone can tell who the real racists are by how eager they are to justify and excuse the murder of over 10,000 women and children because they are brown and poor and not as relatable as white affluent concert attendees

Adham Nu'man - 2023-12-10

Solro what the fuck are you talking about? I am brown, many jews are brown, filipinos were killed on October 7th, Bedouins were willed and taken hostage on October 7th...

SolRo - 2023-12-10

And you still cannot sympathize with the deaths of over 18,000 people while you desperately try to justify their murders and the starvation of over 2 million people

Literally a video of dead babies left to die slowly and you’re “buh buh oct 7th think about the poor Israelis!”

Crackersmack - 2023-12-10

multiple members of the israeli military made a conscious decision to leave premature babies in their incubators until they likely starved to death

Crackersmack - 2023-12-10

now, lets find the videos of israeli civilians mocking and celebrating the death babies. because those videos exist too.

tell me some more about antisemitism

teethsalad - 2023-12-10

this is extra-rich coming the most prominent putin cheerleaders on the site, one of whom had zero problem using antisemtitsm as a cudgel and called the ukrainian resistance nazis repeatedly

How many hospitals did the russians strike boys? They literally were kidnapping kids and shipping them off to the interior -You guys only happen to give a shit when you think you're railing against "the west" or an ethnicity that "deserves it" for cooperating with the west

Fucking vultures

Crackersmack - 2023-12-10

multiple members of the israeli military made a conscious decision to leave premature babies in their incubators until they likely starved to death

russians didn't do anything like that. if they had, it would be headline news every day for a week.

Maggot Brain - 2023-12-10

it's more like 25k, which has also been the IDF's magic murder number to "win" the war, which they can't reach because they suck at real war.

ashtar. - 2023-12-10

War crimes are bad. This is a very easy and consistent position to take. It's weird that more people don't take it.

If this were anywhere else, the solutions would be obvious. UN Peacekeepers, impartial investigation, negotiated settlement.

ashtar. - 2023-12-10

The civilian death toll in Gaza surpassed that of Ukraine on the 25th of October. That's 18 days vs. nearly two years.

Russia has killed 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 10,000 civilians. That's 12.5% civilian casualties. In Gaza, civilians make up 61% of the dead. (This is based on Israel's reported kill numbers, which there is reason to doubt).

Spike Jonez - 2023-12-12

You're so good at math that you became an antisemite! Pro-tip: conflating Judaism and the fascist state of Israel is actually antisemitic!

Crackersmack - 2023-12-12

remember; it's antisemitic to conflate Israel with all Jewish people. also if you acknowledge any wrongdoing by Israel it can only be because you are antisemtic.

and has anybody had the stomach to actually seek out the videos of Israeli citizens mocking these murdered babies? I watched about 20. there seems to be an endless amount of them on Tiktok.
consider them a companion piece to all the videos of the dead babies and children that Israel has murdered. there are mocking videos for every one of them.

they are something I think about every time somebody self-righteously throws around accusations of antisemitism in recent weeks; the videos of laughing Israeli citizens making jokes about dead babies rotting in incubators, making fun of people (more than half children) without water or power for months, people that can't leave and can't defend themselves against the cowards in the jets and the tanks. the laughing, smiling Israelis in their opulent homes.

Crackersmack - 2023-12-10

viewing this video will permanently harm you but I think that is is necessary to bear witness to something that we have all contributed to

Accidie - 2023-12-10

We're not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-12-10

no fate chicks in party hats.

SolRo - 2023-12-11

“They had 3,000 years to fix their problems, let them nuke each other to death, I don’t care”

-god probably

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