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Comment count is 2
Herr Matthias - 2023-12-28

Should see that "Lady Ballers" movie that Facebook has been pushing to me for the last month. It looks like someone took that "one joke" Twitter exchange and made it into a full length feature film.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-12-28

OMG, I am crushing on this girl, but I have crushes on all my BreadTube faves: HBomb, Lindsay, Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube (Oliver AND Abigail), Sarah Z. I am low grade in love with them all. It's not about my penis; my penis doesn't really work any more.

I think the sexist thing in the world is an intellectual connection, which sucks for me because, frankly, I'm not really intelligent enough to hold up my end of that. YouTube videos are probably as good as it gets for me. The thing is, I can listen to this wide-eyed young nerdess for hours, something I could never manage with the old-school analog women.

Her name, I believe, is Mariana Colin. I have another video of hers that I intend to submit, which I found this morning, where she goes after a libertarian film youtuber brutally, just taking him apart, hammer and tongs, without ever sounding really angry, I think it would make me cry if someone criticized my work like that.

Of course, she's right. The fucking guy is dumber than a box of dirt.

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