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Desc:J-Lo tells you why she's proud of the sweet sacred mystery between her legs. CRIME AGAINST CELLULOID
Category:Accidents & Explosions, Crime
Tags:penis, pussy, vagina, gigli, dizzingly scented mouth
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Comment count is 17
SecretJunk - 2008-03-29

Watching this will instantly induce a permanent chemical castration

Xenocide - 2008-03-29

I'm glad they decided this scene needed soft guitar music.

Jeff Fries - 2008-03-29

I think something real is going on in this scene, and it probably has something to do with Lopez's pleasure in her own narcissism and my pleasure in observing it, combined with the small frisson that comes from seeing a burst of neofeminist pride smuggled into this movie.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-30

Also known by its original title, "Guido and Pretend Actress"

kingarthur - 2008-03-30

Even Afleck seems stunned by that diaogue. Still needs Kathleen Hanna jumping out f J-Lo's vag and screaming "Suck My Left One" though.

SARS - 2008-03-30

it's because of J.Lo's shit Gigli-style antics, that I'm ashamed of liking her in The Cell.

kingarthur - 2008-03-30

You liked The Cell?

Maggot Brain - 2008-03-30


glendower - 2008-03-30

Wow, this seems like it was written by an incompetent university feminism professor. SecretJunk is right, this is the anti-seduction. Blaaaaugh!

fluffy - 2008-03-30

It sounds like it was written by an incompetent *male* feminism professor. One with an incredible neckbeard.

Smellvin - 2008-03-30

"Accidents and explosions" is a nice touch.

zatojones - 2008-03-30

I couldn't get through this. The "sensitive" music over her description of eating a chick out was too much.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-03-30

On the plus side, at least we got rid of both of them with that movie.

rev.dinosaur - 2008-03-30

"It's turkey time. Gobble, gobble."

StanleyPain - 2008-03-30

To think of any woman saying this to Ben Affleck is......funnier than anything I can come up with.

Midnight Man - 2008-03-30

I may never be able to look at a mouth again

klingerbgoode - 2008-05-16

goddamn that was disgusting.

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