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Comment count is 14
Beyonce Knowles - 2009-03-15

Too short.

grimcity - 2009-03-15

Pure awesome.

Dear Leader - 2009-03-15

I've actually submitted songs of those rapper, chip tha ripper.

Cube - 2009-03-15

Old, old, incredibly old school.

dancingshadow - 2009-03-15


Louis Armstrong - 2009-03-15

My mind sanpped about halfway through, and I couldn't help but laugh maniacly the rest of the way.

alltogethernow - 2009-03-15

This is the best thing

Wonko the Sane - 2009-03-15

more of this please

StanleyPain - 2009-03-15

Funny, but I prefer the original with the alligator footage.

dancingshadow - 2009-03-15

Ace Rimmer tag please.

gSSEhh - 2009-03-15

ytmnd tag too...

GusPlease - 2009-03-15

Been patiently waiting for this to become a meme for years.

Twitch - 2009-03-15

+5 for video

+5 for audio

+ for comment

Damn poetv starts only go to number Interior Crocodile Alligator

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-03-16

Somehow you keep expecting something to happen.

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