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Comment count is 10
Hailey2006 - 2009-03-24

I never heard of this show! It's funny we all remember Jem!, GI Joe, Transformers, etc, but not this!

nuzzles - 2009-03-24

I actually did. For the longest time, I had weird, vague memories of seeing this some mornings on the tiny TV in the kitchen (I remember this thing had switches for each channel...it may have been black and white, but I think it was color). Just the the theme song, particularly the "Maxie, Maxie" part stayed in my head for years, but I was never sure if it was even a real memory or just something I had imagined.

Deconvolution - 2009-03-24

Someone, somewhere is sitting in a basement and fapping as he watches every single episode of this show again and a again.

Sudan no1 - 2009-03-24

I don't know about that.

I don't see a single scene where she's tied up, sinking in quicksand, being mind controlled, being eaten by a monster, or transforming.

Plan B - 2009-03-24


There has to be at least one person in the world who fetishizes completely innocuous cartoons that contribute nothing whatsoever to other fetish communities, not unlike an extremophile adapting to a blistering hot spring that no other microbes can survive.

Toenails - 2009-03-24

^^^^ What a very interesting opinion.

We shall call it the "Plan B Conjecture".

And it shall state that the complete set of things in a cartoon show that a person has not masturbated can be adequately defined in the set below:

{ }

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-24

There are probably a couple of fetishes being fulfilled with the shots of her riding a dolphin.

Old_Zircon - 2009-03-24

I have an episode of this on VHS somewhere.

It has a scene that opens with a shot recreating a Magritte painting, and a scene where one of the characters has Kant and (possibly, it's been a while) Sartre books clearly visible on his bookshelf.

rustedmutt - 2009-03-25

Stars for 80's brand evil. It always bored the crap out of me halfway through the intro. This was one of those toons that I clearly remember never having managed to sit through til the first commercial break.

Then I went outside and tortured snails.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-25

So, this cartoon is responsible for animal abuse.

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