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Comment count is 9
baleen - 2009-05-05

I saw him a long time ago in Olympia at his traveling roast of On Deadly Ground and it was hilarious, but the presence of celebrity at this spontaneous subcultural phenomenon is sort of irritating to me.

charmlessman - 2009-05-05

The audio sucked, but 5 stars to counteract the 3 above.

citrusmirakel - 2009-05-05

"David Cross and H. Jon Benjamin Discuss A Bowl of Fruit" would get five stars from me. Not that I'm particularly proud of this fact, but it's true.

mashedtater - 2009-05-05

we need more david cross and H Jon Benjamin projects

AgentOrange - 2009-05-05

-2 for the horrible audio quality. I'm sure there's some more funny in there, but it's hard to hear.

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-05-05

Cross actually does a really good job of staying in character. Many of those questions were asked of the real Tommy Wiseau at a screening of "The Room" I was at in Los Angeles, and he gave the same or nearly identical responses.

It's actually kind of uncanny.

James Woods - 2009-05-06

Andy Samberg announcing himself when he was called on stage lost this a star. Awkward.

Sean Robinson - 2009-05-06

I think Cross calling him a fucking twat after though made up for it.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-06-09

those of you giving less than five stars forget that cross and benjamin get their own separate stars here. i'd say 4 + 5 = 9.

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