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Comment count is 29
ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-09-08

That person enjoying this right now is me.

Hooker - 2009-09-08

Seriously. This movie is nonstop hilarious fanfiction-esque bullshittery, and I loved every minute of it. Isn't that part and parcel of of poeTV? Methinks some people around here protest too much.

Cleaner82 - 2009-09-08

I was going to say that the last part was just conjecture, but you ruined it.

whensaidthemoon - 2009-09-08

Five stars because circling your opponent with guns is apparently standard operating procedure in the future.

Also: can anyone track down the scene where she resurrects a little boy by crying over his dead body, because her tears SPREAD VAMPIRISM?

Desidiosus - 2009-09-08

At 2:10 all I could think of was "John Freeman ramped off the building," in his bathtub.

Nikon - 2009-09-09

I was hearing the FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES narrator also.

Camonk - 2009-09-08

This movie killed all my sexual fantasies about Milla Jovovich. Now they're all just me asking her what she was thinking for twenty minutes and then she storms off and I get a pizza.

Charles - 2009-09-08

It's really sad to me that the only videos linked by the Milla Jovovich tag have to do with this movie.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-09-08

Never has Confuse-O-Vision been used as well as it was in this movie. I was convinced that it was turning into a lost artform.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-09-08

I just filed those you bitch.

Goethe and ernie - 2009-09-08

When she stabbed those dudes up and her hair changed colour, I was all ready to saddle up the WTF-horse, then the next three minutes happened, and I'm at a loss to describe how confused I am.

BHWW - 2009-09-08

Her day has been so hectic it's DRIVING HER UP THE WALLS!


Big Muddy - 2009-09-08

That's a serious dig at I.M. Pei?

Tobster - 2009-09-08

Still only the second most improbable motorcycle chase scene on film.


Rape Van Winkle - 2009-09-08

Man, fuck this shit.

Live action Aeon Flux ftw.

Ponasty - 2009-09-08

They made a live action aeon flux. it sucked too.

sosage - 2009-09-08

I had to cleanse my chase scene palate after this with the Charger vs. Mustang scene from Bullitt. Five for being horrible.

oddeye - 2009-09-08


Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-08

I...umm...wait....her bike had a star inside it? a tiny star? and that gave it gravity so it could stick to things?

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-08

I'm still confused about that, then again, this movie has guns and blades appearing out of nowhere, Milla's hair changing for some other sci-fi gimmicky bullshit, a kid inside a suitcase, and the list just goes on and on.

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-09

ok ill ignore the star and everything but couldn't they have at least dressed the bike up a bit? I'm not a bike expert but I'm pretty sure that, except for the switches and wierd twirly thing on the gas tank/star storage chamber, that was a pure factory modern BMW.

Crucifried - 2009-09-08

The script for this took so long to write because after every word the writer yelled "Fuck yeah!" and high fived his Wolverine poster.

Camonk - 2009-09-08

I think SolRo's more of a Blade guy, actually.

Riskbreaker - 2009-09-08

At several points during this scene it actually looks like a videogame, not a good one. Heck, even Uncharted has better graphics than this.

Geoff Marr - 2009-09-09


Bindar_Dundat - 2009-09-09

... Based on a true story.

PegLegPete - 2009-09-09

The motorcycle (if you can call them that) scene from Tron is more entertaining than this. Five stars for stupid crap.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-09-29

This scene was ridiculous enough for my needs.

B_Ko - 2009-09-30

She drove through a helicopter on a motorcycle and then the helicopter exploded.

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