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Comment count is 32
Sudan no1 - 2010-08-19

it's his true identity, no lie.

kennydra - 2010-08-19

this guy looks like the aunt val character from league of gentlemen.

also an update:

pastorofmuppets - 2010-08-20

You have to love that his real middle name is Guy. That is what you are and what you shall remain!

theSnake - 2010-08-19

look at that greasy hair and face. what the fuck is he wearing scrubs? is that dog suit made out of shredded newspaper? this is the grossest furry.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2010-08-19

If he and Crispin Glover actually touched, it would probably end the universe.

Urkel Forever - 2010-08-19

"unemployed computer technician"

DrDoalot - 2010-08-19

Seems to me that could be a tag.

mashedtater - 2010-08-19

as long as you let the local news videotape you in that suit, you will remain unemployed, bub.

astropod five - 2010-08-20

He could get a job as one of those people who wears a costume and waves a sign for a business unrelated to the costume.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-21

I did get my first fursuiting gig, and I have had that suit for 3 years now.


Mancakes - 2010-08-19

Keep that sort of stuff on the internet, bub.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-08-19

Notice how he doesn't have an actual pet dog, bub.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-20

I'm my own best friend. I never got another Dog after Yoder my American Eskimo died in 2004.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-08-20

I'm sorry to hear that, bub.

Jimmy Labatt - 2010-08-19

I refuse to believe this man exists

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-08-20


memedumpster - 2010-08-20

I was surprised how... I guess original furry the costume was. I didn't expect it to look that much like the TV Boomer.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-21

Wow! Yup, I love Here's Boomer, it's my favorite show.

bluiker - 2010-08-20

For some reason it blows my mind that the suit is paper, bub.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-21

It's shredded paper and cost to make, and I did it over a couple of days

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-20

What a weirdo! Evil.

Severian - 2010-08-20

I'm sorry they rejected your petition. The judge was an ass.

badideasinaction - 2010-08-20

These stars are yours for keeping it real.

Adramelech - 2010-08-20

The judge's proposed scenario is highly unrealistic. Why would Boomer The Dog waste his time calling an emergency operator when he could just leap through the flaming wreckage and drag someone to safety in his mouth.

Dogs can't even use phones.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-20

Or, like in the opening video I'll see a car wreck and run over and rescue only the Spaniel from it, see the show's intro.

If only things were that simple.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-20

Thanks. I can assure you that there's an appeal coming.

theSnake - 2010-08-20

PLEASE wash your hair and use a conditioner. Wash your face. Maybe an apricot scrub.

Boomer The Dog - 2010-08-20

I know, I looked more hideous, I had just been in my suit and the news called and said they were coming over shortly, and I didn't have time to clean up.

Adham Nu'man - 2010-08-20

It's ok man, keep on keeping on!

fedex - 2010-08-20

stars for being yourself, doggery and all

cognitivedissonance - 2010-08-20

Somehow the cameras missed the dead children posed for a tea party in the kitchen.

fluffy - 2010-10-04

i just don't know anymore

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