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Comment count is 11
La Loco - 2010-12-07

Brilliant artist. Don't forget he also did vehicles for Back To The Future 2 and Aliens.

Chancho - 2010-12-07

When I was in film school, a fellow student sent his demo reel to Syd. The student had a small portrait of himself printed on the cd sleeve.

Syd wrote the student the most bizarre love letter I have ever read in my life. Syd called him a beautiful boy and wanted "to build gingerbread houses with him." The student was deeply confused by the letter.

I attempted to make a photocopy of the love letter but my fellow student knew that I was not to be trusted.

Anyhoo, Syd Mead is a great artist and I hope he finds a nice boy.

fedex - 2010-12-08

huh wha?

Pillager - 2010-12-08

Well, that's one way to keep people from spamming you with portfolios...

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-12-07

So the man predicting the future 2 decades from now uses the apple G4 I threw in the garbage like 7 years ago?

Old_Zircon - 2010-12-07

I noticed that, too. I actually just got one of those from a friend last month, and I' pretty excited because there was a lot of good experimental audio software released for OS9.

Old_Zircon - 2010-12-07

I like this guy, but he doesn't really say much of anything beyond summarizing some Ray Kurzweil platitudes and talking about how future cars might have fewer than four wheels.

Hegemony Cricket - 2010-12-08


Meatsack Jones - 2010-12-08

Being a complete nerd, the man...is...god.

chumbucket - 2010-12-08

he has a bad-ass boat of a car, what is it?

Meatsack Jones - 2010-12-08

It may be one of the cars he designed when he was working at one of the major car companies.

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