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Comment count is 8
Sundry - 2011-08-30

This has been done before and better.

glasseye - 2011-08-30

Hopefully this will lead to the destruction of more apple products.

Void 71 - 2011-08-30

I hate it when people destroy electronic things that can be salvaged for parts.

cool water sandwich - 2011-08-30

Yup. Assuming it wasn't even a simple repair to sell it as working, there's 0s of dollars in parts there.

EvilHomer - 2011-08-30

Relax. They're Mac parts. Nothing of value yada yada yada.

EvilHomer - 2011-08-30

Steve Jobs beat a man to death on the steps of a church. That's what I heard.

catpenis27 - 2011-08-30

I like this a lot, because the whole thing seems like a very cold calculated attack on his shitty computer, esp. the parts about hard drives dying and losing all his fucking pictures. My guess is that he took his pile of shit to apple and they told him some crap about warranties. I like Apple fine, but you never get what you pay for.

Spoonybard - 2011-08-31

It's called a kukri

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