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Comment count is 9
cognitivedissonance - 2012-07-18

Kennydra came back? *yay*

American Standard - 2012-07-18


Redford - 2012-07-18

Well, if you missed filling in your "All tags unlinked" square for POE bingo before, here's your second chance.

This is one of those things where the steps of the project differ so drastically from the final product it's hard to mentally process where all that work went.

kennydra - 2012-07-18

I'm pretty sure I've done that a few times before, mostly because I suck at tags.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-18

those are completely reasonable tags. It's surprising that none of them have been hit before.

Rosebeekee - 2012-07-18

God, it just keeps going. I wish they showed the fabric being sewn together, but it's still amazing to watch.

memedumpster - 2012-07-18


jreid - 2012-07-18

Portal of Embroidery

frau_eva - 2012-07-19

Oh my god, something submitted something that's on my extremely weeaboo youtube favorites. Never thought this would happen.

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