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Desc:this is an interesting phenomenon
Category:Educational, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:drugs, sadness, spice, thelegalHIGHguy, if final destinations right
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Comment count is 3
Toenails - 2013-03-12

No spoilers, but what's with special guests? Did they go and talk to the parents while he was in the driveway videotaping this?

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-03-12

I strongly advise against watching 15 fucking minutes of this creature. I didn't understand how his little lecture about how bad cigarettes are for you jived with him sucking down lettuce sprayed with experimental chemicals.

I thought this stuff was largely criminalized by now, but I guess that was just bath salts. Oh well. Shine on, asshole.

Blue - 2013-03-13

Cigarettes are actually really bad for you. This stuff might be, but it might not. It's kinda dumb betting on the losing horse after the race has been run.

I don't know why the fuck you'd smoke it, though. You can dissolve this stuff in alcohol. You can dissolve an amount you can actually measure and divide it evenly. Back when JWH-018 was legal I used a syringe and did the dosing in tenths of milliliters. I actually preferred it to pot.

That said, I don't know why the fuck you'd smoke a cigarette either. Shisha is fucking awesome. Deciding to do tobacco and settling for cigarettes is like deciding you're going to drink alcohol and then only ever drinking hand sanitizer.

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