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Comment count is 15
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-09-25

It's a darkly humorous habit they have, reading off a list of how and why someone else is crazy that could easily have been tattooed across their foreheads as a warning to others.

EnochEmery - 2013-09-25

In her case it would be tattooed in RED.

EnochEmery - 2013-09-25

You can buy her book about gangstalking here: http://www.lulu.com/us/en/shop/bonnie-calcagno/organized-gang-stal king-new-torture-tactic-to-neutralize-citizens/paperback/product-1 1780529.html
I'm putting it on my shelf next to Gail's book "The Forbidden Abyss".

spikestoyiu - 2013-09-26

At .99, this is a great stocking stuffer.

casualcollapse - 2020-08-04

hmmm so Gail is knows, RATS!

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-09-25

There's crazy. There's paranoid.

And then there's this.

baleen - 2013-09-25


SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-09-25

I don't suppose it would help to note that firetrucks don't patrol. They go to point A, do whatever, then usually go the same route back to the fire station.

Of course, this would follow into the other unbelievable concept that one might see the same people doing the same things over and over because you live in the same place and people living near you have routines.

spikestoyiu - 2013-09-26

No, perps have routines.

kamlem - 2013-09-25

NEWSFLASH!: Elites concede defeat after brutal assumption analysis.

chumbucket - 2013-09-26

Oh what a priceless opener to this video.

rural - 2013-09-26

Can I please request a "Michel Foucault" tag? It was at that point in the video that I really started smiling. "Because, you know, as Foucault says, its the truth claims that are at the crux of this exercise of power." Yeah. Read that article. I did, and learned that Foucault attempted to kill himself several times. If he was miraculously resuscitated, I think that this video would be more than enough reason to try again.

sasazuka - 2013-09-26


I only was gonna submit one video from this woman, but she often invokes the names of intellectuals and uses all the ten-dollar words she can muster to make the "police cars, firetrucks, red cars, and people wearing red are stalking me" crazy talk seem less crazy.

memedumpster - 2013-09-26

I don't think this is mental illness, I think this is just the natural shitty evolution of American social norms. In 50 years, there will be 500,000,000 paranoid screaming nutjobs, and it will be normal. Interaction with any foreigner will be called torture by the American and lead to immediate attempted murder.

Ursa_minor - 2013-09-26

You damn gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallkers!

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