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Desc:review for a weapon a roomate threatened me with. good times.
Category:Advertisements, Crime
Tags:lj, and switchblades are illegal
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Comment count is 13
Old_Zircon - 2015-01-09

That looks and sounds like a shitty machete.

glasseye - 2015-01-10

Well it is Budk...

Chancho - 2015-01-09

Is this machete used by black savages or against black savages?

namtar - 2015-01-09

I think this is missing a "casual racism" tag

Cena_mark - 2015-01-09

Remember, to the right wingers calling them out on that makes YOU the racist.

Cena_mark - 2015-01-09

About two minutes in they show the machete doing what machetes are meant to do. They are not weapons SolRo. They are tools for sugarcane growers and maverick archaeologists.

infinite zest - 2015-01-09

One of my old housemates had this too, but I don't know if it was the same model. The place had a bunch of stray cats going around and fighting and he'd always threaten this one cat via showing me his machete, saying how he'd skin the cat if it came back and fucked with his cat again.. not really funny but seemed like a joke. Then I was walking home and saw something that looked like some sort of vegetable plate arranged artistically, with two olives and lettuce and.. well anyway it was a fucking dead skinned racoon like a block away from my house. He was a nice guy and I still love him to death but I'm 99% sure that was him. He never did anything about the cat though.

Mister Yuck - 2018-08-20

Sounds like a nice guy.

Adham Nu'man - 2015-01-09

SolRo I am glad you're alive.

Robin Kestrel - 2015-01-10

Now I sort of want one.

TeenerTot - 2015-01-10

For all your cola-opening needs!

fluffy - 2015-01-10

When the time comes to protect yourself against all the marauding coconuts

After all, who knows what sort of octopus might be hiding inside

baleen - 2015-01-11

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