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Desc:Sorry, your local museum is lame, i dont care how many jets or dinosaurs it has.
Category:Arts, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Japan, sentai, Tokusatsu Museum, my dads museum is way better than your dads
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Comment count is 6
Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-21

A whole room of red rangers! Japanese museums are awesome. Visiting the Ghibli museum in Mitaka changed my life.

blue vein steel - 2015-02-21

I read there is a college that all the Japanese comedians essentially have to go to, to be on air. I wonder if it has a museum of all the torture devices (testicle slappers, fart delivery trolleys, etc.) used in those media-personality humiliation "game shows" that are popular there.

memedumpster - 2015-02-21

Are you saying I can go visit the college that made Hard Gay the man he is?

Buying plane tickets now...

ashtar. - 2015-02-21

Japan has shamelessly ripped off America's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Whatever American genius that came up with the idea for that show should sue them.

SolRo - 2015-02-21

They also stole the concept from the unaired Masked Motorcyclist pilot.

blue vein steel - 2015-02-22

Mark Hamill should sue for Guyver royalties. Japan has been ripping him off for years

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