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Desc:dedicated to mr. and mrs Betamaxxed and the rest of the MNR crew.
Category:Arts, Nature & Places
Tags:white people, PoeTV Monday Night RAW, the kelly familly, irish travlers, aryan aliens
Submitted:Born in the RSR
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Comment count is 15
Bort - 2016-10-12

Hmm. I suppose an alien abduction would solve the problem of pee-peeing one's bed tonight.


betamaxed - 2016-10-12

white people

Old_Zircon - 2016-10-12

No, they're Irish.

memedumpster - 2016-10-12

Five for the Monday Night Callback!

*brought to you by the NFL*

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2016-10-12

Five for hitting that stump as if it were a drum... Seems like something Finntroll would include in a video.

Also imagining that if a group of gypsies got onto a space ship, they'd steal all the silverware and alien dope from the medicine cabinet, and have their circle of wagons packed up and gone by morning time, leaving only a smoldering fire pit and copious amounts of trash in their wake. Perhaps they'd challenge the aliens to a half-way fair fistfight if apprehended down the road...

memedumpster - 2016-10-12

I have a personal "steal alien spaceship on sight" policy.

Kind of short sighted to just loot one.

Old_Zircon - 2016-10-12

The Chicken Lady's home planet!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2016-10-12

The Chicken Lady co-rules with Mugatu.

Those Kelly sisters are so HOT right now!

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-10-12

It's all wine and roses until the screen memories fade and there's a Grey Zeta Reticulan coming at you with the rectal probe.

That guy - 2016-10-12


It was the goddamn group clapping on the planet Jaundicia that pushed this past 50% on the Teen Witch Top-That-ometer.

This is fucking awful and deeply, deeply puzzling.
Never do this again, RSR.

That guy - 2016-10-13

I know that I've already 5'ed and favorited, but I can taste throw-up in my mouth when I think of this song, so... y'know, shame on you, RSR.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2016-10-12

I'm also in love with the rice. Luckily, the aliens have taco trucks on every corner, HEYOOOOOOOOO!

Born in the RSR - 2016-10-12

Speaking of the lyrics.

The chorus is pretty great but I'll never get over the opening lines:

"Out in the fields, the farmers grew bread,
Called for the meat... so full the shed."

Ugh - 2016-10-12

i heard david's song on some AM station not long after it released, shit was weird even for the timeframe

then i got this song like ~12 years ago in an AM hits torrent and i've been sealed as a kelly family fan ever since

now who wants to take a look at my "ain't gonna pee pee my bed tonight" tattoo

betamaxed - 2016-10-12

Mrs. Betamaxed already has trust issues with me... but then I have to constantly remind her that she shouldn't trust whitey.

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