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Desc:This video is boring. But not as boring as being in the hospital for six days with this shit.
Category:Horror, Science & Technology
Tags:king arthur, cancer, chemotherapy, sepsis, neutropenic sepsis
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Comment count is 14
Old_Zircon - 2016-10-23

KA, I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

bawbag - 2016-10-23

Hey kingarthur, having experienced a bit of febrile neutropenia myself, I know you don't need to hear how fucking terrible it is, so instead here is a meal from one of the last times I was hospitalised.

I was listed as 'vegetarian' (I'm mostly veggie but eat chicken and fish, the specifics of which got lost in translation) and so when I ordered the 'kip met aardappel en appelmoes' the system must have sent the kitchen a notification to remove the 'kip' aka chicken and instead I got a lovely plate of boiled potatoes and apple sauce.

It made me laugh at the time, thanks to the morphine/fentanyl!

Robin Kestrel - 2016-10-23

This is not a boring video. It really drives home the point that _almost_ doing everything right is not enough when the lapses accumulate.

Also, despite the title, I really did not expect that ending. I think the British accents lulled me into a false sense of security.

baleen - 2016-10-23

This is bullshit!!!
Hoping you kick this fucker out of your body. It happens all the time.
I hate cancer. And if you get an infection sue the fucking shit out of them.

memedumpster - 2016-10-23

I hope you got a prettier nurse than the video implies.

kingarthur - 2016-10-23

I've been out of the hospital for two days and I'm fine. However, the hospital was being renovated and I was stuck in a windowless ward with a fairly unclean room due to crowding.

The thing that sucks about sepsis is that it's not actually the cancer killing you when you come down with it, but the chemotherapy. :/

I also got this during a six week break from chemo just as my brain had tricked me into a false sense of security in my immune system again.

Anyway, shit blows. I advise against going through this. I went to bed fine the night before and woke up the next morning and vomited. Then I vomited breakfast. Then I started to get chills and aches. Then my temperature hit the magic cancer patient number of 100.5, requiring hospitalization.

Mad props to the hospital though for getting that shit diagnosed and under control within 30 minutes of getting there. I just wish the room had been nicer and the bed comfortable.

kingarthur - 2016-10-23

Well fine except for being exhausted and on heavy duty antibiotics.

simon666 - 2016-10-23

All things considered, that sounds like a decent prognosis. Best of luck, king. I don't always post on the updates, but I do read them and appreciate that you take the time to post them.

chumbucket - 2016-10-24

I had things go FAR "easier" with my chemo. The worst side effects were severe neuropathy and dehydration. I did all I can to keep working through my off therapy weeks but it got impossible to do as the symptoms accumulate with each successive therapy.
But it's generally a fuck all of pain, nausea and all around sickness that comes along with chemo. Wishing you all the strength to endure it. Thanks for the update and awareness of this awful result of chemo.

RedRust - 2016-10-23

Sorry you have to go through this Kingarthur.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-24

Your Highness, I feel like there's nothing I can say that's equal to our regrets and our good wishes, but maybe I can express our gratitude for you letting us in on your ordeal. You've raised the property values around here. The way you trusted the community,and the way the community responded, makes the community more valuable. I may not be speaking for everybody, but I know I'm not just speaking just for me.

The place was never really supposed to be all about evil. There used be an "ABOUT US" on the homepage of POE RED that made a point of telling people not to take the name too literally. Maybe I could find it in the internet archive..

POE has become kinder over the years. That's something I value, because the internet as a whole hasn't become a kinder place, not at all. Thanks, everybody, for the hopetv.

kingarthur - 2016-10-24

Awww thanks.

StanleyPain - 2016-10-24

To repeat the sentiment here: sorry you are dealing with this.

But undoubtedly this will give you the much needed research into your epic series of time-travel hospital romance fiction novels.

That guy - 2016-10-25

BIG SHOUT OUT to my homeboy kingarthur!!

Muthafukka can handle boredom LIKE A BOSS.

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