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Desc:Directorial debut and swan song of Ilona Staller. NSFW for SERIOUS POITICAL COMMENTARY and pubes.
Category:Classic Movies, Arts
Tags:80s, Italy, schlock, Cicciolina, Zoom
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Comment count is 7
Old_Zircon - 2018-07-02

This movie is actually kind of amazing. Despite almost constant nudity it's not actually a porn movie, the best I can do to describe it is "like Jesus Franco directed Miami Connection, but cheaper." There's a bit of an early Donald G Jackson feel sometimes, too.

Old_Zircon - 2018-07-02

Also for the Miami Connection angle, you have to replace "cocaine smugglers" with "evil condom magnates" and "kung fu fighting rock band" with "tough Italian women who publish a feminist porn magazine when not stripping and/or kicking ass but mostly stripping" but after those adjustments the similarities become much clearer.

Old_Zircon - 2018-07-02

It's also worth pointing out that she made this right in the middle of her term in parliament.

Old_Zircon - 2018-07-02

It's also worth noting that just a minute or so before this scene a woman gives the nazi pinnochio statue a lapdance to the instrumental of the theme from The Neverending Story.

poorwill - 2018-07-02

That aĺl sounds great but if this is an action sequence I had better pack my nightcap.

That guy - 2018-07-02


fedex - 2018-07-02

Beaver Squad is GO!

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