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Comment count is 10
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-12-14

Now *this* is film. Raw cinematic expression.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-14

Apparently people started walking out of the premiere before the movie even started, just from hearing Korine introduce it.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-14

I've been meaning to watch this for a while. This seems like it'll either redeem Harmony Korine or cement my lingering suspicions WRT him being a hack.

I didn't have much hope at first but that was because this came out before I knew about real-life trash humpers.


Old_Zircon - 2018-12-14

Anyhow, his movie is available in higher quality at archive.org:


Old_Zircon - 2018-12-14

Ok that was good.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-14

You can really see the influence of having worked with the Sun City Girls for a while before this. I went in pretty skeptical but that was probably the most consistently good Harmony Korine movie I've seen. It didn't hit the highs of his earliest stuff but it also didn't have all of the filler (Julian Donkey Boy could have been at least 15 minutes shorter and I can't even remember at least half of Gummo, and I've seen both of them multiple times) and it looked fantastic.

That was a pleasant surprise.

Also the title is innacurate, according to the official site rules this more or less qualifies as SFW.

betamaxed - 2018-12-15

Eh, I'm pretty sure what goes on @23:36 and a little bit afterwards would get you in hot water with most HR departments if you're caught watching it on your workplace computer. It may pass the rules of the site, but I felt the need to give folks fair warning. Although I hope it doesn't discourage people from watching this.

Old_Zircon - 2018-12-15

100% SFW.

snothouse - 2018-12-15

I often call my boss over to my desk, saying: "Let's watch this full-length movie during work hours, old friend."

boner - 2018-12-16

POETV people: “I wish I could watch Trash Humpers at work.â€

Well-adjusted people: “If I had to watch Trash Humpers at work, I would quit my job.â€

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