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Desc:Lockdown 2.0 here we come! (I’m kidding, republicans will let all unemployment support expire)
Category:Crime, Horror
Tags:Seth Meyers, a closer look
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Comment count is 14
Cena_mark - 2020-06-27

Covid becomes real to him when it gives him an opportunity to stop immigration.

SolRo - 2020-06-27

It’s real to him. But he is 4 years old mentally, so he thinks if he covers his ears and closes his eyes it will go away.

Old_Zircon - 2020-06-27

All of these Seth Meyers videos are painfully awkward but I keep watching them.

The quarantine has really highlighted how most professional TV personalities are less media savvy than the average 12 year old today.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-27

I found this to be informative. Informative is good.

Gunny McRifleson - 2020-06-28

John Oliver seems to be doing a better job without a studio audience, while Seth projects a sort of Rupert Pupkin-esque desperation.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-29

Yeah, Oliver is crushing it. Myers is looking like a you tube channel, and he hasn't been funny since this whole shitshow started. But he's fighting the good fight. That is what counts right now.

Right now, comedians are more informative than reporters, at least on television. That's not just something that we say, it's a real truth, and there are reasons for that. They have more resources. In capitalist America, information sources are starved, entertainment sources are nourished. Also, they don't have 24 hours to fill up.

Colbert is definitely better for not having an audience. His audience came every night pretty much to flip off Trump. Understandable, but without their partisan cheering, the liberal equivalent of a MAGA rally, the jokes sound like jokes again.

SolRo - 2020-06-29

News channels make plenty of money by running sensationalist garbage 24/7.

Fox News has it’s giant viewer base because it constantly peddles paranoia

CNN does it by instantly repeating anything “newsworthy” without a hit of factchecking.

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2020-06-27

Dammit, those graphs @8 min in. That's May 05 though, too. Let's see this up to date.

The URL it says is www.endcoronavirus.org/countries#winning
i guess that's a '#'

FL, currently 10,000 new cases/day, AND where my idiot roommate is going in a few days just on vacation. ==He thinks this is all a hoax, too. And his elderly mom even got it in a nursing home. (she got over it-- more proof it's not real!)

Isn't there some way I can stop him from coming back to my apartment, from intermingling with people around where i live, where it's all been kind of OK? Fucking Fox News Born Again people. Maybe he'll die or my state puts out a quarantine order like NY,CT,VA (restriction on travellers to FL.)

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2020-06-27

Bear Mace or Tear Gas?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-27

Tell him you have the virus.

exy - 2020-06-30

Relocate the apartment building while he's away

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-27

Kayleigh McEnany is trying to tell the press that Trump was kidding when he said "I don't kid". It's hard not to feel pity. She's starting to get that soul-dead Sean Spicer / Sarah Sanders look.

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2020-06-28

I think Trump might simply believe that a spike in daily new positive tests is strongly correlated with a spike in number of tests per day. Like, these people all have it already why do they need to test for it. Bad optics for sure.

exy - 2020-06-30

Who knew that the best form of contraception was refusing to buy a pregnancy test kit?

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