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Comment count is 45
Crackersmack - 2020-09-21

"the sky is falling!" cried Chicken Little

simon666 - 2020-09-21

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

teethsalad - 2020-09-21

hey whats the green party position on right wing vigilante death squads

simon666 - 2020-09-21

It's okay if it takes out moderates so Bernie can win the primary in 2024.

SolRo - 2020-09-21

Green my ass, he’s a little neonazi putting on an act.

teethsalad - 2020-09-21

i mean that's pretty obvious

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

teeth, the Green Party position on the right wing death squads is that they should be defunded, and that we should reapportion the money from their budgets into mental health care, services for homeless, etc.

Gmork - 2020-09-22

If you ever truly wondered if crackersmack was redeemable, here's your "no".

Just ban him at this point. Objectively evil ghouls have no place here. Just misguided coast guards.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

"mods! the rude man refuses to vote for Joe Biden! banish him immediately! MODS!"

Gmork - 2020-09-22

My version is actually true though.

So do you get embarrassed when you strawman or is it second nature for you now?

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

hey Gmork did you hear back from the mods yet? maybe you can find Chet (or whoever it is now) on twitter lol

ashtar. - 2020-09-22

Love the idea of invoking support when the video description is trying to start a fight and poelibsquad is just nothing but name calling.

ashtar. - 2020-09-21

"The Harlem Globetrotters must be stopped. Get me the Washington Generals."

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-09-22

Maybe not the worst allegory, but I'm still voting for Biden. Voting for a third party, at this point, would be like tossing the ball into the stands just to make a point.

ashtar. - 2020-09-22

Third parties are ineffective in a first past the post system.
Vote Biden, I guess, but large scale direct action is our only option for avoiding the worst outcomes, no matter who wins.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

Getting the Green Party past the 5% threshold makes a real difference, and they must be close to that in several states judging by how desperate Democrats are getting with trying to remove them from ballots.

SolRo - 2020-09-22

No it wont.

And no it isn't.

You know a good way to judge a party's support instead of dumb imaginary conspiracy theories? Polls.

ashtar. - 2020-09-22

Genuine question CS: how would that help?

I don't really care how people vote. Voting is pretty low effort, but at least at the national level, any resources put into electoral politics would be better spent elsewhere. I mean, huck a water bottle full of piss at a border patrol agent and you've done more concrete good for the world than the sum total of every vote you've ever cast.

teethsalad - 2020-09-22

I mean, huck a water bottle full of piss at a border patrol agent and you've done more concrete good for the world than the sum total of every vote you've ever cast."

jesus fucking christ are you seriously this stupid

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

If the Greens meet the 5% threshold it means they qualify for federal election funding. It's that thing on your taxes where you check a box if you want $3 to go into the Presidential Election Fund. This could mean $8-10 million dollars for the Green Party 2024 candidate, or more because it's proportional to the percentage they get in 2020.

It also guarantees them automatic ballot access in all 50 states, so Democrats can't play shenanigans trying to have Greens removed from ballots.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

Come on teeth, defend CBP. I know you have it in you.

ashtar. - 2020-09-22

teeth, why don't you try to actually make a point?

I'm happy to argue with people who disagree, but the constant mindless vitriol is tiresome.

teethsalad - 2020-09-22

you just argued throwing a bottle of piss is more effective than voting. That might get a "fuck yeah" from some crustpunk trustafarian but don't expect anyone to take your puritan bullshit seriously

You fucking dolt

ashtar. - 2020-09-22

Two things: I think AOC running as a Democrat in 2024 has a better chance than a Green candidate with federal funding, even if she has to primary Harris. Two, I think time and effort would be better spent trying to get socialists elected to city councils or unionizing fast food workers than on any presidential campaign.

ashtar. - 2020-09-22

A: Your individual vote is meaningless. Every election you ever voted in would have turned out the same if you hadn't. A single small act that improves the world (soaking an asshole in urine) has more positive consequences than a lifetime of voting in every election.

B: Despite voting lesser evil my whole life, things a not improved incrementally as promised, but have instead steadily gotten worse. This will continue until something radically changes.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

100% agree, and I would never try to encourage anybody to vote and lend credibility to this sham. But if you just absolutely had to vote, a for the Green Party would not be wasted.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-22

*a vote for the Green Party would not be wasted.

ashtar. - 2020-09-23

Especially since I don't live in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter even a little, voting Green or something just to say "here's votes you could have had if you'd just endorsed M4A" is kind of appealing. Also just to not vote for a rapist. I'd probably vote for Biden if I lived in PA or somewhere.

Teeth: so, no, don't want to have an adult conversation?

mon666ster - 2020-09-23

Thank you ashtar, for spelling it out so succinctly.

godot - 2020-09-21

I thought (as someone who had frequent suicidal episodes for decades) that I'd be better off never having a gun.

Now, I think of all the Nazis I could take down.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-09-22

I encourage you to go full Wolfenstein.

teethsalad - 2020-09-22

just remember that the balkanization of the united states is an end goal of the russian disinformation campaign

read your surkov, kiddos

godot - 2020-09-21

And I don't say that hypothetically. I signed up for 93 Alpha (medic) in the reserves nearly 30 years ago. I was one of few in my Reserve ambulance/MASH brigade that earned an expert marksmanship badge. The relax aim slack squeeze was just natural to this urban boy.

I think we're in for an ugly 20 years, before sane people are again in control. A fear a lot of racists and anti-science people will die before the US has a future. Part of me is angry that I'm too old to lead the charge, Part of me is happy that I can work from the rear of the enemy.

Two Jar Slave - 2020-09-22

For your own and others' sake, please consider pumping the brakes on your fantasies about shooting people. You are welcome to remain reasonably cautious about your personal security, but openly wet-dreaming about gunning down "the enemy" could lead to dark outcomes, or at the very least put a strain on your nervous system and social life.

teethsalad - 2020-09-22

what two jar said

everybody needs to keep their powder dry

simon666 - 2020-09-22

Yeah, godot, better to not to give in to such thoughts or let them predominate your thinking.

At the end of the culture war (metaphor) we all have to be neighbors again, so we need to not debase ourselves or others so badly that cannot occur.

Nominal - 2020-09-23

waiting for Godot('s shooting spree)

Retardo Montebaun - 2020-09-22

as a Canadian all of this terrifies me.

simon666 - 2020-09-22

Us too! Just wait until Trump declares massive fraud that didn't happen and calls himself the winner since so many votes were fraudulent and demands his supporters fight the cheating, lying Democrats!

ashtar. - 2020-09-23

you'll have your pick of mail order American brides

SolRo - 2020-09-23

Mr Canadian, what’s the general view of Atlantic Canada? I’m looking in moving. Getting tired of this shit.

Retardo Montebaun - 2020-09-24

Halifax has a good economy and weather, and reasonable real estate prices. of course take with a grain of salt as i am from the other side of the country.

SolRo - 2020-09-24

What’s the pacific coast like? Was only looking at Atlantic because they have a program to get residency quicker

Retardo Montebaun - 2020-09-24

Vancouver is expensive, lower mainland is less so, but still not cheap, Edmonton in Alberta is pretty decent. And although cheap as eggs avoid Regina, look for somewhere rural in Saskatchewan.

SolRo - 2020-09-24


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