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Comment count is 4
Nominal - 2022-05-05

2 correct and 1 incorrect incorrect reason to ride a motorcycle

Crackersmack - 2022-05-05

there's a Harley dealership near me that is kind of infamous for having old guys drop their newly-bought bikes while trying to negotiate a u-turn right in front of the dealership to get back to the highway

Crackersmack - 2022-05-05

5 stars, buy a KLR650 or a Versys for the midlife crisis bike, it's all you really need

Kid Fenris - 2022-05-08

Owning one might be a bad idea, but it's good to know how to ride a motorcycle just in case you're being chased by some goons and the only vehicle at hand is a motorcycle that the owner conveniently just parked outside of a store with the keys still there.

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