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Desc:The most advanced RPG yet, programmed by one man over five years! Warning: game may not exist.
Category:Video Games, Trailers
Tags:Nintendo, DS, autism, robert pelloni, bobs game
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Comment count is 21
kiint - 2008-08-15

jesus god the commentary

IrishWhiskey - 2008-08-15

Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to add that feature?

Was it the brilliant success of intellectual debate and dialog in the YouTube comments section that made them think "You know what would be good? Superimposing this stuff over videos!"

FatFatuousNation - 2008-08-15

Bob is entirely mute. Prior to the commentary feature, he had to desperately scrawl his every word onto a piece of paper and hold it up to the camera. It was a time of great struggle for Bob, and his Youtube view count was slumping. Youtube saved the day, allowing Bob and other mute individuals the ability to share their insights and hand-drawn RPG's with the world.

Additionally, many people scorn videos without laugh tracks, finding them lackluster. To rectify this problem, video posters are now able to superimpose "LOL!!!!!" over the bits that they found funny. Won't that make videos more cheery and bright!

Udderdude - 2008-08-15

It might be a nice tech demo but it looks boring as hell to actually play.

Justin Dohrmann - 2008-08-15

He's likely to get a job as a result of this and then probably lose it when he doesn't meet a deadline.

fluffy - 2008-08-15

Wow! Yuu can move! And he can move diagonally! And he can run! :) It is so advanced how cars stop at the crosswalk! ^_^ Bob is a genius! None of the big game makers ever think of these things! ;}

fluffy - 2008-08-15

Oh also it's not like it takes all that much skill to program something like this on the DS, considering the DS's graphics chip was specifically built for this kind of thing, and the built-in music engine is also already completely capable of doing that kind of music. He's barely scratching the surface of what the DS makes exceedingly easy.

Still, I'd rank him higher than Matt Moulton.

Sudan no1 - 2008-08-16

It's also guaranteed to be more entertaining than Sprung.

fluffy - 2008-08-19


Sudan no1 - 2008-08-15

I would play the shit out of this game but I have no idea why.

kelpfoot - 2008-08-15

Give it a thematic reboot and add combat, and you'd have the perfect platform for an updated version of Shadowrun for the Genesis.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-08-15

I'd play it. OCD? OH, CAN DO!

Harveyjames - 2008-08-16

The "Warning: game may not exist" thing needs a little qualification. Basically, Bob's been creating threads on pretty much every games forum there is to drum up support for his game. It seems to be working, but a number of people hae pointed out that the Youtube clip isn't what it first appears.

Notice the edit before the pull back at 3:04. It looks a lot like he's filmed the game footage on a monitor, before jump cutting to a close-up of his DS.

The screen the game footage is displayed on seems to curve like a monitor screen would, while the DS at the end does not. Also, why isn't there any footage of the bottom screen? It looks a lot like he's just knocked something up in flash or something like that and then filmed it off his computer.

Bob hasn't responded to any of this, and he's also ignored offers from industry insiders who want to play his game (in fact, according to Bob NO-ONE has played the game in its 5 years of development). So, the general picture that's emerging that Bob is batshit insane.

Camonk - 2008-08-16

Wow, the characters have complex personalities and can evolve. I find that a dubious claim, since the guy who's "made" the "game" obviously doesn't have a complex personality that can evolve.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2008-08-16

I think the dead giveaway, besides what Harvey mentioned, is that at no time do you see a single dialouge, let alone inventory, box despite the claims of HUNDREDS of CHARACTERS. Or showing off the way the world changes from day to day.

Still, I'd kill to see this guy team up The Big U.

Xenocide - 2008-08-16

STAND IN LINE: The video game.

boner - 2008-08-16

If you run fast enough you end up in Ulillillia's game.

Unsung - 2008-08-16

Whatever this shit is supposed to be, Animal Crossing did it better.

RandomFerret - 2008-08-17


GingersHaveNoSouls - 2009-01-09

C'mon Bob, everyone knows you never go full retard.

Meerkat - 2009-02-01

On what fucking planet do cars stop at crosswalks?

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