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Desc:No one can expose media hypocrisy like TDS researchers. One of the best things they have ever done.
Category:Classic TV Clips, News & Politics
Tags:Jon Stewart, Daily Show, TDS, palin, rove
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Comment count is 27
longwinded - 2008-09-04

and the major networks complain that all the kids get their news from the daily show

Gianni - 2008-09-04

Isn't the Daily Show researcher, basically 1 guy with a really good memory? Woe to the girlfriend who gets in a fight with him.

takewithfood - 2008-09-04

"Heh, well, it's funny you should say that, Jenny, because earlier I took the liberty of preparing some clips of that argument we had over the dishes back in 1998.."

kennydra - 2008-09-04


baleen - 2008-09-04

This stuff has really been the death of the Republican party.

waxeater - 2008-09-04

Too bad the sheep don't pay attention/don't care.

Cleaner82 - 2008-09-04

Luckily sheep can't vote.

Xiphias - 2008-09-04

yeah, it's how we won the 2004 election

Desidiosus - 2008-09-04

I am drinking beer right now so I can piss all over the grave.

fatatty - 2008-09-10

SHOULD have been the death of the Republican party. Luckily for them their base gets ever so excited when they get pandered and lied to. Palin/Donald Duck 08!

Camonk - 2008-09-17

The republican party should have died about eight hundred times since... oh, Nixon... Reagan, Bush Sr. and Quayle... I mean jesus.

simon666 - 2008-09-04


fluffy - 2008-09-04

Wow and coming from someone with 666 in their name!

wtf japan - 2008-09-04

Yeah, I had a "whoa" moment when I watched this last night.

Keefu - 2008-09-04

Hell yes.

RockBolt - 2008-09-04

Someone hack this into the feed at the RNC

Sudan no1 - 2008-09-04


Iron Xides - 2008-09-04

the Boise who run Idaho

HarrietTubmanPI - 2008-09-04

Will they tie you down like the Anchorage of Alaska?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-04

John Stewart is like the ambassador of sanity to the American airwaves and that's...well kind of depressing.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-09-04

by that I mean that it would be nice if more people on the air actually bothered to call bullshit.

Secret Messiah - 2008-09-05

If they do they probably get fired, networks are too worried about their sponsors.

Space Helicopter - 2008-09-10

And yet, the gender card is still in play.

Keep on fighting, bro.

plaid_knight - 2008-09-11

That was tops.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-11

But we know Obama is sexist, as he said the phrase "lipstick on a pig", presumably based on what the media is suggesting, about Sarah Palin. McCain would never say anything like that about a woman.

I know this is true, because the media hasn't said a word to contradict it. Surely the Daily Show is not smarter and more honest that the entire press corp?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-09-20


Lauritz Melchior - 2010-01-24

http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-september-3-2008/sarah-palin -gender-card

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