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Desc:I think the jist is Jews or Bohemian Grove people kidnap little boys to grind them into McD burger.
Category:Crime, Horror
Tags:NWO, true forced loneliness, TFL, bill122460, tfl bill
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Comment count is 13
phalsebob - 2009-06-18

He's a ramblin' man. He's a slurrin', mumblin' man too. I honestly don't think I've ever made out one full sentence he's ever said. 5 star sadness.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-06-18

Why is there a baseball cap in my big mac?

BHWW - 2009-06-18

Mmm mrrrmmm mcdonaldsmmmrhhrmmrmrm.

Truly the NWO is the reason he can't get with the ladies.

CharlesSmith - 2009-06-18

About a minute into his tape-recorded mess I had to give up. I've never actually watched more than 4 minutes of one of these.

Chancho - 2009-06-18

Bill is the stupidest man in America. This was epic.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-06-19

How did he learn how to use a computer? And who taught him? I mean, this is about as bad as Captain Kirk violating the Prime Directive and giving phasers to cavemen.

mashedtater - 2009-06-19

the dog picture looks on, unblinking in the face of madness

Cleaner82 - 2009-06-19

And yet clearly disconcerted.

Son of Slam - 2009-06-19

It blinks to Bill. Then it talks to him. Then he talks back. One day he is going to enter the painting. When he returns is when The Cleansing will begin.

Pillager - 2009-06-19

Born that way vs. Drugs destroyed his mind:


Chancho - 2009-06-19

My guess is a combination of inbreeding, brain tumor, and a daily helping of whiskey.

Cleaner82 - 2009-06-19

Oh Bill. You and your 'feelings'. Where don't they go.

memedumpster - 2009-06-19

Five stars for the cocker spaniel's head being cut off like God's in Dali's Last Supper, symbolizing the true unknowability of godhead and its motivations.

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