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Comment count is 13
Hooper_X - 2009-07-13

Hey, it's Bender! He's way fatter and more ginger than I thought he'd be.

StanleyPain - 2009-07-13

5 stars for Charlie Adler. I don't care that he's in a shitty movie and a shitty game, he's one of the most awesome voice actors ever.

socialist_hentai - 2009-07-13

his work on cow and chicken is worth an oscar in itself.

zatojones - 2009-07-13

i am sort of sad to find out that the guy who did the original voice of Starscream died back in 94 under shady circumstances

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-07-13

What, was he found in a hotel room, a blaster hole in his chest, surrounded by spent energon cubes?

Hooper_X - 2009-07-14

Naw, just your bog standard "heart exploded from too much coke and pills" story.

One of the writers for the Transformers cartoon mentioned that Starscream was basically written out at least partially because the staff was tired of having to bail his voice actor out, both in a figurative "goddamnit, someone go over to his house and drag him to the session" sense and in the literal "one of the producers actually had to go down to the county lockup and get him out a time or two" one.

Squeamish - 2010-03-26

Don't be hating on Starscream.

Starscream likes to party.

keinsignal - 2009-07-13

This only gets any stars at all for John DiMaggio at the end, who, like Hoop, I've never seen in the flesh before. All I can say is if by some strange circumstance they ever wind up making The Big Lebowski into a TV show, he'd be perfect for it.

kingarthur - 2009-07-13

Four stars for the possibility of John DiMaggio as TV's Walter.

TeflonDoc - 2009-07-13

I came to see Peter Cullen, and all I got was a Joe DiMagio.

TeflonDoc - 2009-07-13

JOHN DiMaggio. Christ.

fluffy - 2009-07-13

This is like a who's who of all the most prolific cartoon voice actors of the last 30 years.

keinsignal - 2009-07-14

not without Frank Welker it's not.

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