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Comment count is 14
Chancho - 2010-11-08


memedumpster - 2010-11-08

The smile after he does his homeless kid pitch.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-11-08

Dave Mustaine must have fallen on hard times if he's playing with these guys.

Billy the Poet - 2010-11-08

They're kind of like Cheap Trick, if Cheap Trick had been the worst band that ever was or will be until the sun burns out.

Gwago - 2010-11-08

Did that guy just compare his band to Elvis Presley?!

Seriously. Also, way to hide behind charity.

chumbucket - 2010-11-08

that's not fair

mashedtater - 2010-11-08

What's up with the double post? Anyway, Alice Cooper did something like this in England once.

Gwago - 2010-12-17

Did I just give this video eight stars?

Gwago - 2010-11-08

Did that guy just compare his band to Elvis Presley?!

Seriously. Also, way to hide behind charity.

augias - 2010-11-08

Thats not fair

La Loco - 2010-11-08

What's up with the double post? Anyway, Alice Cooper did something like this in England once.

Gwago - 2010-11-11

Did I just give this video eight stars?

Smellvin - 2010-11-08

LA traffic is terrible under normal conditions. I can only imagine what it must have been like with only one lane open. If it's anything close to what I'm assuming, castration is the only possible punishment.

rastarat - 2010-11-08

Allot of fans were honking.

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