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Desc:Hollywood decides that the public wanted a more serious Pirates of the Caribbean. With more Ninjas.
Category:Trailers, None
Tags:The three musketeers, NOT YOUR DADDYS THREE MUSKETEERS, Classic literature
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Comment count is 11
cognitivedissonance - 2011-03-29

Ah yes... an "updated" remake of "Three Musketeers" is always due about a year after the "updated" remake of "Alice in Wonderland", which is done about every 15 years. A less advanced civilization would just consult the moon, but we have different methods of augury.

Gerhard - 2011-03-29

these are for augury.

tenten - 2011-03-29

I have held the same theory, but with Robin Hood and The Three Musketeers leapfrogging through cinematic history. This time was the closest the two have appeared.

Anaxagoras - 2011-03-29

The end times are coming.

freedoom - 2011-03-29

For Musketeers they sure don't seem to ever use muskets.

takewithfood - 2011-03-29

Oh good god.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-03-29

So the newest trend is going to be to mention the word "apocalypse" and "end times" as much as possible in blockbusters, isn't it?

Zarathustra00 - 2011-03-29

Maybe the end times has become the new stock movie villain. It's about time someone replaced Muslims for that role.

Valkor - 2011-03-29

If they would just follow the novel it would be a good movie. There is no better plot than the original and any attempts to improve on it are awful.

Instead they are like: "The female villain is a bit too competent and evil and the Muskteers seem to just drink a lot and be dicks to everybody. And for that matter it seems that it ends with them reconciling their differences with the cardinal. Scrap it all and replace it with some bullshit!"

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-30

Oh boy. Some dicks in suits will make a bunch of money on name recognition and special effects. Surprise.

Volbard - 2011-03-30

This video didn't work for me, but I wanted to point out that the Michael York Musketeers movies are and probably will remain the only ones worth watching.

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