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Desc:Goaded by fake correspondence, Gabrielle Chana fantasizes about executing Brent Spiner's wife.
Category:Educational, Crime
Tags:evidence, Jesuits, premeditation, Gabriella Chana, anti-social engineering
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Comment count is 13
Toenails - 2011-07-26

Poor Gabby.

I certainly hope nobody from poeTV has a hand in this.

jangbones - 2011-07-26

I can't help but feel bad for her, she is clearly fucking disturbed.

But imagine contacting her to let her know that she is getting trolled and isn't really talking to Brent Spiner and Vlad Putin...and her not believing you and thinking you are a Jesuit clone killing machine.

misterbuns - 2011-07-26

A Troll Too Far?

Udderdude - 2011-07-26

Don't Poke The Crazy Person (tm)

klingerbgoode - 2011-07-26

From public execution of Loree McBride, to her yeast infection, this video has all you need.

misterbuns - 2011-07-26

You guys missed her bit about how Fox News is the only True News Organization, yeah?

sjohnson301 - 2011-07-26

Her website, http://www.gabriellechana.com/, is a fantastic example of a demented mind. Repetitive, cluttered, and chock full of crazy. Kinda wonder where her family is and why nobody's come to help her.

fulakarp - 2011-07-26

You can read loads about her life story on her website. Her family has tried to help. She's been hospitalized and medicated but refuses all of it now. As long as she's functional and not hurting anyone, there's not much anyone can do.

dancingshadow - 2011-07-27

oh wow

chumbucket - 2011-07-27

Viral for the upcoming new TV sitcom starring Spiner and Putin. They dress up like old women so they can stay at an assisted living facility to meet hot nurses.

Rudy - 2011-07-27

If this doesn't creep you out enough, her latest videos have her lounging around in lingerie and a bikini per her suitor's requests.

yogarfield - 2015-03-04

It is 2015, and we don't have an "entrenched yeast infection" tag. For fucking shame.

yogarfield - 2015-03-04

It is 2015, and we don't have an "entrenched yeast infection" tag. For fucking shame.

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