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Desc:basically they can roughly show on screen what the brains' visual system is 'seeing' (hint: dreams)
Category:Science & Technology, Educational
Tags:computer, brain, Vision, brainstorm, seeing
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Comment count is 9
Old_Zircon - 2011-09-25

ATTN: Wim Wenders

kingarthur - 2011-09-25

For real. Also, wait til they get into the dreams of the average person taking any psychotropic.

the_slurb - 2011-09-25

i was talking to a guy about this tonight. im pretty sure these signals come from low level visual areas (V1). while very cool, this does not really translate to decoding dreams, unless dreams occur at the retina.

the_slurb - 2011-09-25


Konversekid - 2011-09-25

Yeah this doesn't completely endorse the physicalist perspective and this is only a comparative process. So they are simply comparing the similarities of whatever brain activity is a product of watching these videos and classifying the videos based on those similarities. It will probably lead to a good understanding of the how the brain and eyes interact which will likely be helpful with the treatment of blindness, or at least implementing prosthetic eyes.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-09-25

I kind of feel like anyone in this day and age who doubts that the mind is a product of the physical brain, or that cognition can be described in terms of information processing, simply hasn't been paying attention.

Chalkdust - 2011-09-25

Who aside from Scientologists still believes the mind isn't literally within the brain? I find their explanations as to why to be hilarious and embarrassing and I'd love to see other dogmas' takes on it.

Konversekid - 2011-10-29

What I mean to say is it doesn't express perception in a conscious like manner. That is the major problem with the current account of physicalism, it reduces everything to physical activities of the brain but ceases to include the manner in which we perceive or experience the world.

cool water sandwich - 2011-09-25

so now they really can check your thoughts from space with one of those flying haarp things

beware the chemtrail man

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